Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
Select the entity type and then enter the entity id.
Should this display render the pager values? This is only meaningful if inheriting a pager.
Time zone override
The time zone selected here will always be used
Date/time format
Webform handlers
Email from name
Reply to email
Return path email
Sender name
Email subject
Email body
Infinite Scroll Pager
Link to entity
Make entity label a link to entity page.
Are you sure you want to clear all %label submissions?
Remove @total %label @submissions
Yes, I want to clear all %label submissions
Clear all %label submissions?
No active batch.
Moderation state filter
User search looks for user names and partial user names. Example: mar would match usernames mar, delmar, and maryjane.
You can use * as a wildcard within your keyword. Example: m*r would match user names mar, delmar, and elementary.
Top left
Top center
Top right
Center left
Center right