Installed themes

No screenshot

REF Theme (default theme)

Drupart Base Theme
Screenshot for Bartik theme

Bartik 9.4.15

A flexible, recolorable theme with many regions and a responsive, mobile-first layout.
Screenshot for Seven theme

Seven 9.4.15 (administration theme)

The default administration theme for Drupal 8 was designed with clean lines, simple blocks, and sans-serif font to emphasize the tools and tasks at hand.

Uninstalled themes

Screenshot for Claro theme

Claro 9.4.15

A clean, accessible, and powerful Drupal administration theme.
Screenshot for Gin theme

Gin 8.x-3.0-rc12

Admin theme with a strong focus on improving the Editorial Experience
Screenshot for Olivero theme

Olivero 9.4.15

A clean, accessible, and flexible Drupal front-end theme.
Screenshot for Stark theme

Stark 9.4.15

An intentionally plain theme with no styling to demonstrate default Drupal’s HTML and CSS. Learn how to build a custom theme from Stark in the Theming Guide.
Administration theme
Choose "Default theme" to always use the same theme as the rest of the site.
Control which roles can "View the administration theme" on the Permissions page.
Control which roles can "View the administration theme" on the Permissions page.