Transliterate filenames to latin for uploads. Deprecated with Drupal >= 10.2.0.
Allows configuration of tasks to be executed in response to events.
Enables tracking of recent content for users.
Provides an improved drop-down menu interface to the site Toolbar.
The following reason prevents Admin Toolbar from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: admin_toolbar_links_access_filter, admin_toolbar_tools, admin_toolbar_search
Adds menu links like Flush cache, Run cron, Run updates, and Logout under Drupal icon.
The following reason prevents Admin Toolbar Extra Tools from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: admin_toolbar_search
Provides a workaround for the common problem that users with 'Use the administration pages and help' permission see menu links they don't have access permission for. Once the issue https://www.drupal.org/node/296693 be solved, this module will be deprecated.
Provides search of Admin Toolbar items.
Provides an automated way to run cron jobs, by executing them at the end of a server response.
Provides advanced options (e.g. links, checkboxes, or other widgets) to exposed Views elements.
Sends pages using the BigPipe technique that allows browsers to show them much faster.
Controls the visual building blocks a page is constructed with. Blocks are boxes of content rendered into an area, or region, of a web page.
The following reason prevents Block from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: block_content, layout_builder, settings_tray, block_class, draggableviews_demo, webform_demo_application_evaluation
Allows assigning the classes to Blocks.
Provides a field that allows a content entity to create and configure custom block instances.
The following reason prevents Block Field from being uninstalled:
  • The Block (plugin) field type is used in the following field: paragraph.field_prg_block_content
Allows users to create and organize related content in an outline.
Manages breakpoints and breakpoint groups for responsive designs.
The following reason prevents Breakpoint from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: toolbar, settings_tray, admin_toolbar, admin_toolbar_links_access_filter, admin_toolbar_tools, admin_toolbar_search
Provides a number of utility and helper APIs for Drupal developers and site builders.
WYSIWYG editing for rich text fields using CKEditor.
The following reason prevents CKEditor 4 (contrib) from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: editor_file
Allows users to comment on content.
The following reason prevents Comment from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: tracker
Allows administrators to import and export configuration changes.
Allows users to translate configuration text.
Provides site-wide contact forms and forms to contact individual users.
Provides moderation states for content.
Allows users to translate content.
Provides contextual links to directly access tasks related to page elements.
The following reason prevents Contextual Links from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: layout_builder, quickedit, settings_tray, paragraphs_edit
Allows the creation of custom blocks and block types.
The following reason prevents Custom Block from being uninstalled:
Allows users to create menu links.
The following reasons prevent Custom Menu Links from being uninstalled:
  • There is content for the entity type: Custom menu link. Remove custom menu links.
  • Required by: menu_ui, draggableviews_demo
Logs system events in the database.
Defines datetime form elements and a datetime field type.
The following reason prevents Datetime from being uninstalled:
  • The Date field type is used in the following field: node.field_event_date
Allows your views to be draggable and gives you the ability to set the order of how they appear.
The following reason prevents DraggableViews from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: draggableviews_demo
Demo module for Draggableviews.
Allow users to link uploaded files in the text Editor.
ECK (Entity Construction Kit) allows users to create and administer entity types, bundles and entities from UI.
The following reasons prevent Entity Construction Kit from being uninstalled:
Adds a Entity Reference field type with revision support.
The following reasons prevent Entity Reference Revisions from being uninstalled:
  • The Entity reference revisions field type is used in the following fields: node.field_paragraph, node.field_project_paragraph, paragraph.field_prg_collapse_content, paragraph.field_prg_grid_content, paragraph.field_prg_imagebox_imagebox_cont, paragraph.field_prg_person_person, paragraph.field_prg_slider_slider, paragraph.field_prg_tab_content
  • Required by: paragraphs, paragraph_view_mode, paragraphs_type_permissions, paragraphs_edit
Modify behavior and appearance of external links.
Field API to add fields to entities like nodes and users.
The following reason prevents Field from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: file, text, options, block_content, node, book, editor, ckeditor, comment, locale, config_translation, datetime, field_ui, taxonomy, image, layout_builder, link, media, media_library, menu_link_content, menu_ui, quickedit, shortcut, tracker, draggableviews_demo, editor_file, entity_reference_revisions, iframe, metatag, metatag_favicons, metatag_hreflang, metatag_mobile, metatag_open_graph, metatag_verification, metatag_views, webform, paragraphs, paragraph_view_mode, paragraphs_type_permissions, paragraphs_edit, redirect, redirect_404, redirect_domain, schema_metatag, schema_article, schema_item_list, schema_organization, schema_web_page, schema_web_site, svg_image, webform_node, webform_access, webform_attachment, webform_bootstrap, webform_demo_application_evaluation, webform_ui, webform_submission_export_import, webform_submission_log
Provides a user interface for the Field module.
The following reason prevents Field UI from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: layout_builder
Defines a field type for files.
The following reasons prevent File from being uninstalled:
  • There is content for the entity type: File. Remove files.
  • The File field type is used in the following fields: media.field_media_audio_file, media.field_media_document, media.field_media_video_file, news_announcements.field_news_announcements_doc, paragraph.field_prg_documents_files, paragraph.field_prg_news_dokuman, paragraph.field_prg_person_cont_file, press.field_press_file, publications.field_publications_file
  • Required by: editor, ckeditor, locale, config_translation, image, media, media_library, editor_file, paragraphs, paragraph_view_mode, paragraphs_type_permissions, paragraphs_edit, svg_image
Filters content in preparation for display.
The following reasons prevent Filter from being uninstalled:
  • Provides a filter plugin that is in use in the following filter formats: Temel HTML, Tam HTML, Düz metin, Kısıtlı HTML
  • Required by: text, options, block_content, node, book, editor, ckeditor, comment, taxonomy, views, media_library, quickedit, tracker, views_ui, better_exposed_filters, draggableviews, draggableviews_demo, editor_file, lazy, metatag_views, webform, views_data_export, pdf_serialization, redirect, redirect_404, redirect_domain, schema_item_list, views_bootstrap, views_field_view, views_infinite_scroll, webform_node, webform_access, webform_attachment, webform_bootstrap, webform_demo_application_evaluation, webform_ui, webform_submission_export_import, webform_submission_log, views_templates
Allows your site to be tracked by Google Analytics by adding a Javascript tracking code to every page.
Serializes entities using Hypertext Application Language.
Supplies an HTTP Basic authentication provider.
Defines a simple iframe field type.
The following reason prevents Iframe from being uninstalled:
  • The Iframe field type is used in the following field: paragraph.field_prg_iframe_content
Defines a field type for image media and provides display configuration tools.
The following reasons prevent Image from being uninstalled:
  • The Görsel field type is used in the following fields: media.field_media_image, media.field_media_image_1, node.field_event_detail_image, node.field_event_list_image, node.field_title_image, paragraph.field_prg_imagebox_cont_image, paragraph.field_prg_person_cont_image, paragraph.field_prg_slider_content_image, paragraph.field_prg_slider_cont_mobil_img, partnership.field_partnership_logo, partnership.field_partnership_small_logo, user.user_picture
  • Required by: media, media_library, svg_image
Translates the built-in user interface.
The following reason prevents Interface Translation from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: config_translation
Caches pages, including those with dynamic content, for all users.
Caches pages for anonymous users and can be used when external page cache is not available.
Provides jQuery UI library.
The following reason prevents jQuery UI from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: jquery_ui_datepicker, jquery_ui_slider, jquery_ui_touch_punch
Provides jQuery UI Datepicker library.
Provides jQuery UI Slider library.
Provides jQuery UI Touch Punch library.
Exposes entities as a JSON:API-specification-compliant web API.
Allows users to configure available languages.
The following reason prevents Language from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: locale, config_translation, content_translation
Allows users to add and arrange blocks and content fields directly on the content.
Provides a way for modules or themes to register layouts.
The following reason prevents Layout Discovery from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: layout_builder
This module enables lazy-loading images and iframes via text-filters and image-fields. Requires lazysizes library.
Provides a simple link field type.
The following reasons prevent Link from being uninstalled:
  • The Link field type is used in the following fields: news_announcements.field_news_announcements_link, paragraph.field_prg_imagebox_cont_link, paragraph.field_prg_news_link, paragraph.field_prg_person_cont_link, paragraph.field_prg_slider_content_link, partnership.field_partnership_link, press.field_press_news_link
  • Required by: menu_link_content, menu_ui, shortcut, draggableviews_demo, iframe, redirect, redirect_404, redirect_domain
Manages the creation, configuration, and display of media items.
The following reasons prevent Media from being uninstalled:
  • There is content for the entity type: Medya. Remove media items.
  • Required by: media_library
Enhances the media list with additional features to more easily find and use existing media items.
Allows administrators to customize the site navigation menu.
The following reason prevents Menu UI from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: draggableviews_demo
Manage meta tags for all entities.
The following reasons prevent Metatag from being uninstalled:
  • The Meta tags field type is used in the following field: node.field_metatag
  • Required by: metatag_favicons, metatag_hreflang, metatag_mobile, metatag_open_graph, metatag_verification, metatag_views, schema_metatag, schema_article, schema_item_list, schema_organization, schema_web_page, schema_web_site
Provides support for many different favicons.
Provides support for the hreflang meta tag with some extra logic to simplify it.
Provides support for meta tags used to control the mobile browser experience.
Provides support for Open Graph Protocol meta tags.
Verifies ownership of a site for search engines and other services.
Provides views integration for metatags.
The following reason prevents Metatag: Views from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: schema_item_list
Minify the contents of the Drupal page
Database driver for MySQL.
The following reason prevents MySQL from being uninstalled:
  • The module 'MySQL' is providing the database driver 'mysql'.
Allows content to be submitted to the site and displayed on pages.
The following reasons prevent Node from being uninstalled:
  • There is content for the entity type: Content. Remove content items.
  • Required by: book, taxonomy, tracker, draggableviews_demo, webform_node, webform_access, webform_demo_application_evaluation
Defines selection, check box and radio button widgets for text and numeric fields.
The following reason prevents Options from being uninstalled:
  • The List (text) field type is used in the following fields: node.field_event_event_category, node.field_event_years, node.field_project_type, paragraph.field_prg_grid_grid_size, press.field_press_date, publications.field_publications_category
Create paragraph view mode field on given paragraph type
The following reason prevents Paragraph View Mode from being uninstalled:
  • The Paragraph view mode field type is used in the following field: paragraph.paragraph_view_mode
Enables the creation of paragraphs entities.
The following reasons prevent Paragraphs from being uninstalled:
  • There is content for the entity type: Paragraph. Remove Paragraphs.
  • Required by: paragraph_view_mode, paragraphs_type_permissions, paragraphs_edit
Allows users to edit paragraphs.
Allows users to configure permissions for individual Paragraphs types.
Allows users to rename URLs.
The following reason prevents Path from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: pathauto, webform_node, webform_access, webform_demo_application_evaluation
Provides a mechanism for modules to automatically generate aliases for the content they manage.
Database driver for PostgreSQL.
In-place content editing.
Allows users to redirect from old URLs to new URLs.
The following reasons prevent Redirect from being uninstalled:
Logs 404 errors and allows users to create redirects for often requested but missing pages.
Allows users to redirect between domains.
Provides a user interface to manage REST resources.
Exposes entities and other resources as RESTful web API
The following reason prevents RESTful Web Services from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: views_data_export, pdf_serialization, restui
Adds Schema.org/Article to the JSON LD array. Creates Article, BlogPosting, SocialMediaPosting, Report, ScholarlyArticle, TechArticle or APIReference.
Adds Schema.org/ItemList to the JSON LD array.
Base module for creating Schema.org JSON-LD structured data defined with Metatag module.
The following reason prevents Schema.org Metatag from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: schema_article, schema_item_list, schema_organization, schema_web_page, schema_web_site
Adds Schema.org/Organization to the JSON LD array.
Adds Schema.org/WebPage to the JSON LD array. Creates WebPage, ItemPage, AboutPage, CheckoutPage, ContactPage, CollectionPage, ProfilePage, SearchResultsPage.
Adds Schema.org/WebSite to the JSON LD array.
Allows users to create search pages based on plugins provided by other modules.
Provides a service for (de)serializing data to/from formats such as JSON and XML.
The following reason prevents Serialization from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: hal, jsonapi, rest, csv_serialization, views_data_export, pdf_serialization, restui
Provides CSV as a serialization format.
The following reason prevents Serialization (CSV) from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: views_data_export, pdf_serialization
Provides PDF as a serialization format.
Allows users to directly edit the configuration of blocks on the current page.
Allows users to manage customizable lists of shortcut links.
The following reason prevents Shortcut from being uninstalled:
Overrides the standard image formatter and widget to support SVG files.
Enables the categorization of content.
Defines simple text field types.
The following reasons prevent Text from being uninstalled:
  • The Text (formatted, long, with summary) field type is used in the following fields: block_content.body, node.body
  • The Text (formatted, long) field type is used in the following fields: comment.comment_body, paragraph.field_prg_collapse_content_body, paragraph.field_prg_slider_content_body, paragraph.field_prg_tab_content_body, paragraph.field_prg_text_content
  • Required by: options, block_content, node, book, comment, taxonomy, tracker, draggableviews_demo, webform_node, webform_access, webform_demo_application_evaluation
Provides a means to associate text formats with text editor libraries such as WYSIWYGs or toolbars.
The following reasons prevent Text Editor from being uninstalled:
  • Provides a filter plugin that is in use in the following filter formats: Temel HTML, Tam HTML
  • Required by: ckeditor, editor_file
Provides a user interface for the Token API and some missing core tokens.
The following reason prevents Token from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: metatag, metatag_favicons, metatag_hreflang, metatag_mobile, metatag_open_graph, metatag_verification, metatag_views, pathauto, schema_metatag, schema_article, schema_item_list, schema_organization, schema_web_page, schema_web_site
Provides a toolbar that shows the top-level administration menu links and links from other modules.
The following reason prevents Toolbar from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: settings_tray, admin_toolbar, admin_toolbar_links_access_filter, admin_toolbar_tools, admin_toolbar_search
Provides some extra Twig functions and filters.
Checks for available updates, and can securely install or update modules and themes via a web interface.
The following reason prevents Update Manager from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: upgrade_status
Review Drupal major upgrade readiness of the environment and components of the site.
Create customized lists and queries from your database.
The following reason prevents Views from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: media_library, views_ui, better_exposed_filters, draggableviews, draggableviews_demo, metatag_views, views_data_export, pdf_serialization, redirect, redirect_404, redirect_domain, schema_item_list, views_bootstrap, views_field_view, views_infinite_scroll, webform_demo_application_evaluation, views_templates
Allows for different styles to be used in views to work with Bootstrap 4 components.
Plugin to export views data into various file formats.
The following reason prevents Views Data Export from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: pdf_serialization
Adds a view field handler to embed views inside views.
A pager which allows an infinite scroll effect for views.
Defines the viewsreference field type to embed views in an entity reference field.
The following reason prevents Views Reference Field from being uninstalled:
  • The Views reference field type is used in the following field: paragraph.field_prg_views_reference_view
Reintroduces dynamic default views.
Provides a user interface for creating and managing views.
Enables the creation of webforms and questionnaires.
The following reasons prevent Webform from being uninstalled:
  • There is content for the entity type: Webform submission. Remove submissions.
  • The Webform field type is used in the following field: node.webform
  • Required by: webform_node, webform_access, webform_attachment, webform_bootstrap, webform_demo_application_evaluation, webform_ui, webform_submission_export_import, webform_submission_log
Provides webform access controls for webform nodes.
Provides an element that generates or loads a file that can be attached to a submission or email.
Helps support Webform to Bootstrap integration.
Demonstrates how to use the Webform module to build an application/evaluation system.
Provides a Webform content type which allows webforms to be integrated into a website as nodes.
The following reason prevents Webform Node from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: webform_access, webform_demo_application_evaluation
Provides the ability to export and import submissions.
Dedicated logging and reporting for webform submissions.
Provides a user interface for building and maintaining webforms.
Provides an interface to create workflows with transitions between different states (for example publication or user status) provided by other modules.
The following reason prevents Workflows from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: content_moderation
Creates an XML Sitemap conforming to the sitemaps.org protocol.
The following reason prevents XML Sitemap from being uninstalled:
  • Required by: xmlsitemap_custom, xmlsitemap_engines
Adds user configurable links to the sitemap.
Submit the sitemap to search engines.