5 Errors Errors Details
4 Warnings Warnings Details
29 Checked Checked Details

General System Information

Drupal Version


Last Cron Run

Last run 1 hour 24 minutes ago

Web Server




8.1.31 (more information)

Memory limit







Errors found

Configuration files
Not protected
The file sites/ref.sabanciuniv.edu/settings.php is not protected from modifications and poses a security risk. You must change the file's permissions to be non-writable.
Drupal core security coverage
Coverage has ended
Update to a supported minor as soon as possible to continue receiving security updates. Visit the release cycle overview for more information on supported releases.
Drupal core update status
Not secure! (version 11.1.3 available)
There is a security update available for your version of Drupal. To ensure the security of your server, you should update immediately! See the available updates page for more information and to install your missing updates.
Module and theme update status
Unsupported release
The installed version of at least one of your modules or themes is no longer supported. Upgrading or disabling is strongly recommended. See the project homepage for more details. See the available updates page for more information and to install your missing updates.
Webform: External libraries
14 libraries (0 installed; 2 excluded; 12 CDN)

Please download external libraries using one the recommended methods.
Relying on a CDN for external libraries can cause unexpected issues with Ajax and BigPipe support. For more information see: Issue #1988968
Disable CDN warning

Code Mirror 5.65.12 (CDN).
The Code Mirror library is not installed in /libraries/codemirror.
(Code Mirror is used to provide a text editor for YAML, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript configuration settings and messages.}
jQuery: Input Mask 5.0.8 (CDN).
The jQuery: Input Mask library is not installed in /libraries/jquery.inputmask.
(Input masks are used to ensure predefined and custom formats for text fields.}
jQuery: International Telephone Input 17.0.19 (CDN).
The jQuery: International Telephone Input library is not installed in /libraries/jquery.intl-tel-input.
(International Telephone Input is used by the Telephone element.}
jQuery: RateIt 1.1.5 (CDN).
The jQuery: RateIt library is not installed in /libraries/jquery.rateit.
(RateIt is used to provide a customizable rating element.}
jQuery: Select2 4.0.13 (CDN).
The jQuery: Select2 library is not installed in /libraries/jquery.select2.
(Select2 is used to improve the user experience for select menus. Select2 is the recommended select menu enhancement library.}
jQuery: Text Counter 0.9.1 (CDN).
The jQuery: Text Counter library is not installed in /libraries/jquery.textcounter.
(Word or character counting, with server-side validation, is available for text fields and text areas.}
jQuery: Timepicker 1.14.0 (CDN).
The jQuery: Timepicker library is not installed in /libraries/jquery.timepicker.
(Timepicker is used to provide a polyfill for HTML 5 time elements.}
Popper.js 2.11.6 (CDN).
The Popper.js library is not installed in /libraries/popperjs.
(Popper.js is used to provide tooltip behavior for elements.}
Progress Tracker 2.0.7 (CDN).
The Progress Tracker library is not installed in /libraries/progress-tracker.
(Progress Tracker is used by multi-step wizard forms.}
Signature Pad 2.3.0 (CDN).
The Signature Pad library is not installed in /libraries/signature_pad.
(Signature Pad is used to provide a signature element.}
Tabby 12.0.3 (CDN).
The Tabby library is not installed in /libraries/tabby.
(Tabby is used to display tabs in the administrative UI}
Tippy.js 6.3.7 (CDN).
The Tippy.js library is not installed in /libraries/tippyjs.
(Tippy.js is used to provide tooltip behavior for elements.}

Warnings found

Deprecated modules enabled
Deprecated modules found: CKEditor 4 (contrib), HAL.
Not enabled while in maintenance mode
Please note that while the site is in maintenance mode none of the usual meta tags will be output.
Webform: Private files
Private file system is not set.
This must be changed in settings.php. For more information see: DRUPAL-PSA-2016-003
Webform: Spam protection
Webform Spam protection module missing. Please install one of the below modules.

Prevent forms from being submitted without JavaScript enabled.
Provides CAPTCHA for adding challenges to arbitrary forms.
Uses the Google reCAPTCHA web service to improve the CAPTCHA system.
Mitigates spam form submissions using the honeypot method.
Provides a webform handler which will mark submissions as SPAM
Antispam service from CleanTalk to protect your site.
Human Presence Form Protection
Human Presence is a fraud prevention and form protection service that uses multiple overlapping strategies to fight form spam.
Protected Submissions
A light-weight, non-intrusive spam protection module that enables rejection of webform submissions which contain preset patterns.
Recaptcha Element
Provides a Webform Handler that allows you to enable reCAPTCHA protection on a webform using the webform UI.
Simple Google reCAPTCHA
Provides simple integration with Google reCaptcha, keeping forms and webforms secure.
Spam Master
Spam Master is a Spam Protection Module that blocks new user registrations, comments, and threads with Real Time anti-spam lists.
Webform Spam Words (WSW)
Provides the ability to block spam words for webform fields.


Access to update.php
Database support for JSON
Is required in Drupal 10.0.
Database system
Database system version
Database updates
Up to date
Entity/field definitions
Up to date
File system
Writable (public download method)
GD library
Image toolkit
GD2 image manipulation toolkit
JSON:API allowed operations
JSON:API multilingual support
Some multilingual features currently do not work well with JSON:API. See the JSON:API multilingual support documentation for more information on the current status of multilingual support.
JSON:API revision support
Revision support is currently read-only and only for the "Content" and "Media" entity types in JSON:API. See the JSON:API revision support documentation for more information on the current status of revision support.
lazySizes library
The lazySizes library is installed at /libraries/lazysizes/lazysizes.min.js
Schema.org Metatag is installed
The Schema.org Metatag module is installed.
Token Or
The Token OR module is suggested for when the basic content tokens are not flexible enough, e.g. to make a meta tag show the contents of one field if it is filled in or another if the first one is empty.
Node Access Permissions
Etkin değil
If the site is experiencing problems with permissions to content, you may have to rebuild the permissions cache. Rebuilding will remove all privileges to content and replace them with permissions based on the current modules and settings. Rebuilding may take some time if there is a lot of content or complex permission settings. After rebuilding has completed, content will automatically use the new permissions. Rebuild permissions
8.1.31 (more information)
PHP APCu caching
Not enabled
PHP APCu caching can improve your site's performance considerably. It is highly recommended to have APCu installed on your server.
PHP extensions
PHP memory limit
PHP OPcode caching
Random number generation
Search index progress
96% (4 remaining)
Translation update status
Missing translations
Missing translations for: İngilizce, TR. See the Available translation updates page for more information.
Trusted Host Settings
The trusted_host_patterns setting is set to allow ^ref\.sabanciuniv\.edu$
Unicode library
PHP Mbstring Extension
Update notifications
Upload progress
Not enabled
Your server is capable of displaying file upload progress, but does not have the required libraries. It is recommended to install the PECL uploadprogress library.
Web server
Webform: HTML email support
Provided by the Webform module.
Webform PHP mailer: Sends the message as plain text or HTML, using PHP's native mail() function.
XML Sitemap
Last attempted generation on Fri, 03/29/2024 - 16:49 (10 months 4 weeks ago).
XML Sitemap cache directory