Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
This will appear in the RSS feed itself.
Display type
Date format: @date_format
Display: @true_label / @false_label
Path to link
Use a relative path with a slash in front. For example, "/about".
How frequently the page is likely to change. This value provides general information to search engines and may not correlate exactly to how often they crawl the page.
Menu description
The shown text of the result summary area
The feed icon will be available only to the selected displays.
Submissions to %webform for %user
PHP date format
Bulk form
Group item
Group items
Default filter
Entity edit link
Entity delete link
Display link
The label of the link.
The search page that the form submits to, or Default for the default search page.
Source string (Built-in English)
%type is used by 1 entity on your site. You can not remove this entity type until you have removed all of the %type entities.

%type is used by @count entities on your site. You may not remove %type until you have removed all of the %type entities.
Translated string (TR)
Are you sure you want to delete the entity bundle %type?
Should this display inherit its paging values from the parent display to which it is attached?
Admin info
This view will be displayed by visiting this path on your site. It is recommended that the path be something like "path/%/%/feed" or "path/%/%/rss.xml", putting one % in the path for each contextual filter you have defined in the view.
Disable views data caching
Views caches data about tables, modules and views available, to increase performance. By checking this box, Views will skip this cache and always rebuild this data when needed. This can have a serious performance impact on your site.
Clear Views' cache