Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
Entity references can use UUIDs or entity IDs.
Composite (single) values are annotated using double underscores. (e.g. ELEMENT_KEY__SUB_ELEMENT_KEY)
Multiple values are comma delimited with any nested commas URI escaped (%2C).
Multiple composite values are formatted using <a href=":href">inline YAML</a>.
Import maximum execution time limit is @time.
0 sec
<a href=":href_view">View</a> or <a href=":href_download">download</a> an example submission CSV.
Remote URL
Upload Submission CSV file
Remote URL could be a <a href=":href">published Google Sheet</a>.
Enter Submission CSV remote URL
Import data source
Enter custom CSS to be attached to the webform.
The below CSS and JavaScript will be loaded on all pages that reference and load this webform.
Custom CSS
Enter custom JavaScript to be attached to the webform.
Custom JavaScript
Select which users can access this group's assigned nodes.
Select which nodes that this group's users can access.
Administrators will be able to add and remove users and custom email addresses from this group.
more emails
The access group type is used to exposed an access group's users and email addresses to <code>[webform_access]</code> related tokens.
General information
Access controls
Custom email addresses are solely for email notifications and are included in <code>[webform_access]</code> related tokens.
Custom notifications
Add webform access group
None (or inherit from previous)