Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
Inline (reloads the current page and replaces the webform with the confirmation message)
Message (reloads the current page/form and displays the confirmation message at the top of the page)
Modal (reloads the current page/form and displays the confirmation message in a modal dialog)
URL (redirects to a custom path or URL)
URL with message (redirects to a custom path or URL and displays the confirmation message at the top of the page)
None (reloads the current page and does not display a confirmation message)
Confirmation type
This setting assumes that a webform handler will manage the displaying of a confirmation message.
If checked this select confirmation type and message will be displayed when the submission is updated. Otherwise, a status message will be displayed at the top the page when a submission is updated.
Display confirmation when submission is updated
Confirmation URL
If checked, all query string parameters will be removed from the Confirmation URL.
Exclude query string from Confirmation URL
If checked, to submissions token will be removed from the Confirmation URL and the [webform_submission] tokens will not be available within the confirmation message.
Exclude token from Confirmation URL
You may use tokens to pass query string parameters. Make sure all tokens include the urlencode suffix. (i.e. [webform_submission:values:email:urlencode])
Page title to be shown upon successful submission.
Confirmation page/modal title
Confirmation message
Confirmation settings
Confirmation attributes
Display back to webform link
Confirmation back link label
Confirmation back link attributes
"On" label
"Off" label
Delete all child elements
Nested elements being deleted
Date when the event occurred.
Time ago (with "ago" appended)