Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
Display all results for the specified field
Provide default value
Content ID from URL
Query parameter
Raw value from URL
Taxonomy term ID from URL
Top Level Book from current node
User ID from logged in user
User ID from route context
Load default filter from term page
Load default filter from node page, that's good for related taxonomy blocks
Limit terms by vocabulary
Filter to items that share all terms
Filter to items that share any term
Multiple-value handling
Also look for a node and use the node author
The query parameter to use.
Fallback value
The fallback value to use when the above query parameter is not present.
Multiple values
Conjunction to use when handling multiple values. E.g. "?value[0]=a&value[1]=b".
Fixed value
Path component
The numbering starts from 1, e.g. on the page admin/structure/types, the 3rd path component is "types".
Use path alias
Use path alias instead of internal path.
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