Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
The label to show for the initial option denoting no selection in a select element.
Optional elements defaults to: %optional
Custom options properties must include the 'Option value' followed by option (element) properties prepended with a hash (#) character.
@label text / description
Enter text and description to be displayed on the form.
@label description
A unique element key. Can only contain @requirements.
lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores
Custom @type…
Please select <a href=":href">predefined @type</a> or enter custom @type.
Enter description…
One column
Two columns
Three columns
Side by side
Buttons - flexbox
Buttons - horizontal
Buttons - vertical
Options display
Options description display
Randomizes the order of the options when they are displayed in the webform.
Randomize options
Displays a Help tooltip after the element's title.
Determines the placement of the Help tooltip.
In Context: Add check mark
In Context: Remove check mark
Clear default value
Wrapper type
Wrapper type and attributes
Please note: That the below custom element attributes will also be applied to the @name fieldset wrapper. (<a href=":href">Issue #2836374</a>)