Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
Normal: @title
Are you sure you want to purge all submissions?
Take a few minutes to complete
Remove @submission_total @submissions in @form_total @forms
Source string (Built-in English)

Translated string (TR)
Source string (Built-in English)

Translated string (TR)
Yes, I want to purge all submissions
Purge all submissions?
Created year + month
Introduction to Webform for Drupal 8
Jacob Rockowitz
The Webform module's Open Collective
About Webform & the Drupal community
Installing the Webform module
Building forms & templates
Adding elements to a webform
Emailing & handling submissions
Webform variants
Configuring webform settings
Collecting webform submissions
Understanding a webform submission
Importing webform submissions
Configuring the Webform module
Webform access controls
Attaching webforms to nodes
Placing webforms as blocks
Extending Webform using add-ons
Understanding webform plugins
Opening webforms in modal dialogs