Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
Disable HTML editor
Leave blank to use the custom and recommended Webform specific HTML editor.
Element text format
Mail text format
Drupal core does not automatically delete unused files because unused files could reused.
Unused html editor files should be marked temporary
It is recommended to use the <a href=":href">IMCE module</a> to manage webform elements, settings, and configuration files.
HTML editor settings
If checked, the first default option for a select menu will always be displayed.
Default empty option
Default empty option required
Default empty option optional
Select settings
Drupal core does not automatically delete unused files because unused files could reused. For webform submissions it is recommended that unused files are deleted.
Unused webform submission files should be marked temporary
Drupal core does not immediately delete temporary file. For webform submissions it is recommended that temporary files are immediately deleted.
Immediately delete temporary managed files
Allow files to be uploaded to public file system
If checked, anonymous users will be redirected to the user login page when attempting to access private file uploads.
Redirect anonymous users to login when attempting to access private file uploads
Login message when access denied to private file uploads
Default maximum file upload size
Enter a value like "512" (bytes), "80 KB" (kilobytes) or "50 MB" (megabytes) in order to set file upload limit.
Default file upload limit per form
Default allowed @title extensions
File upload settings
Select available element types
Element types
Help tooltip
Provides a generic form element.