Source string (Built-in English) Comma separated list of what the article is about, for instance taxonomy terms or categories.
Source string (Built-in English) REQUIRED BY GOOGLE. Author of the article.
Source string (Built-in English) RECOMMENDED BY GOOGLE. Use for <a href=":url">Paywalled content</a>.
Source string (Built-in English) REQUIRED BY GOOGLE. Headline of the article.
Source string (Built-in English) Globally unique id of the article, usually a url.
Source string (Built-in English) REQUIRED BY GOOGLE. The primary image for this item.
Source string (Built-in English) RECOMMENDED BY GOOGLE. The canonical URL of the article page. Specify mainEntityOfPage when the article is the primary topic of the article page.
Source string (Built-in English) Name (usually the headline of the article).
Source string (Built-in English) REQUIRED BY GOOGLE. Publisher of the article.
Source string (Built-in English) Reviews of this item.
Source string (Built-in English) REQUIRED. The type of article.
Source string (Built-in English) REQUIRED BY GOOGLE.
Source string (Built-in English) Fix 404 pages with URL redirects
Source string (Built-in English) Not enabled while in maintenance mode
Source string (Built-in English) Revision support is currently read-only and only for the "Content" and "Media" entity types in JSON:API. See the <a href=":jsonapi-docs">JSON:API revision support documentation</a> for more information on the current status of revision support.
Source string (Built-in English) Singular form Missing translations for one project
Plural form Missing translations for @count projects
Translated string (TR) Source string (Built-in English) File not found at %remote_path nor at %local_path
Source string (Built-in English) read more
Source string (Built-in English) Last checked @time ago
Source string (Built-in English) Singular form @type: 1 project
Plural form @type: @count projects
Translated string (TR) Source string (Built-in English) Scan
Source string (Built-in English) Environment is incompatible
Source string (Built-in English) Compatible with next major Drupal core version
Source string (Built-in English) IssuesIn Context: issues
Source string (Built-in English) Gather data
Source string (Built-in English) Fix incompatibilities
Source string (Built-in English) Relax
Source string (Built-in English) Install <a href=":composer_deploy">Composer Deploy</a> or <a href=":git_deploy">Git Deploy</a> as appropriate for accurate update recommendations
Source string (Built-in English) Check available updates
Source string (Built-in English) Requirement