Source string (Built-in English) Ip Location details as custom tokens to use in webform submission values.
Source string (Built-in English) Webform Config Key Value
Source string (Built-in English) Use the KeyValueStorage to save webform config instead of yaml config storage, allowing webforms to be treated more like content than configuration and are excluded from the configuration imports/exports.
Source string (Built-in English) allows to solve some tasks of the decoupled Drupal.
Source string (Built-in English) React component and graphql fragments for webforms. Goal of this project is to have a react component that generates bootstrap like HTML from webform YAML configuration.
Source string (Built-in English) Retrieve and submit webforms via REST.
Source string (Built-in English) Provides a webform integration with JSON:API to expose webform elements.
Source string (Built-in English) Expose webforms as JSON Schema, UI Schema, and Form Data. Make webforms work with react-jsonschema-form.
Source string (Built-in English) Provide revisions and moderation for Webforms.
Source string (Built-in English) A business process workflow solution that allows you to create and automate a sequence of tasks representing any business, document approval or collaboration process.
Source string (Built-in English) Provides a new element type for Webforms (D8+) that uses the core Workflows functionality to move submissions through a webform.
Source string (Built-in English) Adds Webform Revision UI.
Source string (Built-in English) Utility to log all Mails for debugging purposes. It is possible to suppress mail delivery for e.g. dev or staging systems.
Source string (Built-in English) Override submissions list and allows user hide columns of webform submissions in submissions list.
Source string (Built-in English) Getting involved and support options
Source string (Built-in English) Get involved
Source string (Built-in English) Get involved in the Drupal community and the Webform module. Review a patch, write documentation, contribute code, volunteer at an event, and more...
Source string (Built-in English) Contribute
Source string (Built-in English) Open to all
Source string (Built-in English) Fund development
Source string (Built-in English) Help fund the day-to-day tasks required to maintain the Webform module. Funds are used to triage issues, resolve security issues, and tag new releases.
Source string (Built-in English) Fund
Source string (Built-in English) Starting at $5 a month
Source string (Built-in English) Professional support
Source string (Built-in English) Hire the Webform module's subject matter expert (SME) to ensure the success of your project. I can review your project plan, recommend solutions, and implement custom features.
Source string (Built-in English) Starting at $800
Source string (Built-in English) add-on
Source string (Built-in English) add-ons
Source string (Built-in English) Filter by keyword
Source string (Built-in English) @total add-ons