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Ip Location details as custom tokens to use in webform submission values.
Webform Config Key Value
Use the KeyValueStorage to save webform config instead of yaml config storage, allowing webforms to be treated more like content than configuration and are excluded from the configuration imports/exports.
allows to solve some tasks of the decoupled Drupal.
React component and graphql fragments for webforms. Goal of this project is to have a react component that generates bootstrap like HTML from webform YAML configuration.
Retrieve and submit webforms via REST.
Provides a webform integration with JSON:API to expose webform elements.
Expose webforms as JSON Schema, UI Schema, and Form Data. Make webforms work with react-jsonschema-form.
Provide revisions and moderation for Webforms.
A business process workflow solution that allows you to create and automate a sequence of tasks representing any business, document approval or collaboration process.
Provides a new element type for Webforms (D8+) that uses the core Workflows functionality to move submissions through a webform.
Adds Webform Revision UI.
Utility to log all Mails for debugging purposes. It is possible to suppress mail delivery for e.g. dev or staging systems.
Override submissions list and allows user hide columns of webform submissions in submissions list.
Getting involved and support options
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Help fund the day-to-day tasks required to maintain the Webform module. Funds are used to triage issues, resolve security issues, and tag new releases.
Starting at $5 a month
Professional support
Hire the Webform module's subject matter expert (SME) to ensure the success of your project. I can review your project plan, recommend solutions, and implement custom features.
Starting at $800
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