Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
Global Settings
Block Class Settings
Block List
If unchecked, all webform must added to your website using a node, block, or paragraph.
Allow users to post submissions from a dedicated URL for all webform
Default webform categories
Item value
Enter default webform categories that will always be available when users are creating and managing a form.
If checked, a meta tag robots noindex directive will be added to the confirmation page of all webforms.
Default confirmation robots noindex
If checked, all submission events will be logged to dedicated submission log available to all webforms and submissions.
The webform submission log will track more detailed user information including email addresses and subjects.
A webform submission embed display. The selected view should also include contextual filters. {webform_id}/{source_entity_type}/{source_entity_id}/{account_id}/{in_draft}
The name to be displayed in the URL when there are multiple submission views available.
The title to be display in the dropdown menu when there are multiple submission views available.
Display the selected view on the below paths
User drafts
User submissions
View / Name / Title
Apply to global
All of the above
None of the above
Apply to webform
Apply to node
more submission views
Default locked message
Default previous submission message
Default previous submissions message
Default autofill message
Leave blank to not display a message when a form is autofilled.