Override the default view title for this view. This is useful to display an alternative title when a view is empty.
Override the title of this view when it is empty. The available global tokens below can be used here.
  • site
    • [site:mail] - Email: The administrative email address for the site.
    • [site:login-url] - Login page: The URL of the site's login page.
    • [site:name] - Name: The name of the site.
    • [site:slogan] - Slogan: The slogan of the site.
    • [site:url] - URL: The URL of the site's front page.
    • [site:url-brief] - URL (brief): The URL of the site's front page without the protocol.
  • view
    • [view:description] - Açıklama: The description of the view.
    • [view:base-field] - Base field: The base field used for this view.
    • [view:base-table] - Base table: The base table used for this view.
    • [view:current-page] - Current page: The current page of results the view is on.
    • [view:label] - Etiket: The label of the view.
    • [view:id] - ID: The machine-readable ID of the view.
    • [view:items-per-page] - Items per page: The number of items per page.
    • [view:page-count] - Page count: The total page count.
    • [view:title] - Title: The title of current display of the view.
    • [view:total-rows] - Total rows: The total amount of results returned from the view. The current display will be used.
    • [view:url] - URL: The URL of the view.
This title will be displayed on the views edit page instead of the default one. This might be useful if you have the same item twice.