LocationBekçiURL of the origin of the event.
MessageBekçiThe actual message of the log entry.
OperationsBekçiOperation links for the event.
RefererBekçiURL of the previous page.
Severity levelBekçiThe severity level of the event; ranges from 0 (Emergency) to 7 (Debug).
Sunucu adıBekçiHostname of the user who triggered the event.
TimestampBekçiDate when the event occurred.
TypeBekçiThe type of the log entry, for example "user" or "page not found".
VariablesBekçiThe variables of the log entry in a serialized format.
WIDBekçiUnique watchdog event ID.
DraggableViews WeightDraggableviewsSort by the weight value.
Entity IDFile UsageThe ID of the entity that is related to the file.
Entity typeFile UsageThe type of entity that is related to the file.
ModuleFile UsageThe module managing this file relationship.
Use countFile UsageThe number of times the file is used by this entity.
RandomGlobalRandomize the display order.
CreatedKullanıcıThe time that the user was created.
Default translationKullanıcıA flag indicating whether this is the default translation.
EmailKullanıcıEmail address for a given user. This field is normally not shown to users, so be cautious when using it.
Initial emailKullanıcıThe email address used for initial account creation.
Last accessKullanıcıThe time that the user last accessed the site.
Last loginKullanıcıThe time that the user last logged in.
NameKullanıcıThe user or author name.
Original languageKullanıcıThe user language code.
Preferred admin languageKullanıcıPreferred administrative language of the user
Preferred languageKullanıcıPreferred language of the user
Resim (user_picture:alt)KullanıcıAppears in: user.
Resim (user_picture:height)KullanıcıAppears in: user.
Resim (user_picture:target_id)KullanıcıAppears in: user.
Resim (user_picture:title)KullanıcıAppears in: user.
Resim (user_picture:width)KullanıcıAppears in: user.
RolesKullanıcıThe roles the user has.
TimezoneKullanıcıThe timezone of this user.
Translation languageKullanıcıLanguage of the translation of user information
Updated dateKullanıcıThe time that the user was last edited.
User IDKullanıcıThe user ID.
User statusKullanıcıWhether the user is active or blocked.
UUIDKullanıcıThe user UUID.