DepthBookThe depth of the book page in the hierarchy; top level books have a depth of 1.
Page has ChildrenBookFlag indicating whether this book page has children
Authored byContentThe username of the content author.
Authored onContentThe time that the node was created.
Body (body)ContentAppears in: stm88, webform, book.
Body (body:format)ContentAppears in: stm88, webform, book.
Body (body:summary)ContentAppears in: stm88, webform, book.
ChangedContentThe time that the node was last edited.
Content typeContent
Created dateContentDate in the form of CCYYMMDD.
Created dayContentDate in the form of DD (01 - 31).
Created monthContentDate in the form of MM (01 - 12).
Created weekContentDate in the form of WW (01 - 53).
Created yearContentDate in the form of YYYY.
Created year + monthContentDate in the form of YYYYMM.
Date (field_event_date)ContentAppears in: event.
Default translationContentA flag indicating whether this is the default translation.
Detail Image (field_event_detail_image:alt)ContentAppears in: event.
Detail Image (field_event_detail_image:height)ContentAppears in: event.
Detail Image (field_event_detail_image:target_id)ContentAppears in: event.
Detail Image (field_event_detail_image:title)ContentAppears in: event.
Detail Image (field_event_detail_image:width)ContentAppears in: event.
Ekle / Ekleme (field_event_ekle_ekleme)ContentAppears in: event.
Event Category (field_event_event_category)ContentAppears in: event.
Has taxonomy term IDContentDisplay content if it has the selected taxonomy terms.
Has taxonomy term ID (with depth)ContentDisplay content if it has the selected taxonomy terms, or children of the selected terms. Due to additional complexity, this has fewer options than the versions without depth.
Has taxonomy term ID depth modifierContentAllows the "depth" for Taxonomy: Term ID (with depth) to be modified via an additional contextual filter value.
Iframe Title (field_event_iframe_title)ContentAppears in: event.
List Image (field_event_list_image:alt)ContentAppears in: event.
List Image (field_event_list_image:height)ContentAppears in: event.
List Image (field_event_list_image:target_id)ContentAppears in: event.
List Image (field_event_list_image:title)ContentAppears in: event.
List Image (field_event_list_image:width)ContentAppears in: event.
Location (field_event_location)ContentAppears in: event.
Metatag (field_metatag)ContentAppears in: event, page, project.
node.field_event_date (day)ContentDate in the form of DD (01 - 31).
node.field_event_date (full_date)ContentDate in the form of CCYYMMDD.
node.field_event_date (month)ContentDate in the form of MM (01 - 12).
node.field_event_date (week)ContentDate in the form of WW (01 - 53).
node.field_event_date (year)ContentDate in the form of YYYY.
node.field_event_date (year_month)ContentDate in the form of YYYYMM.
Original languageContent
Paragraph (field_paragraph:delta)ContentDelta - Appears in: page, event.
Paragraph (field_paragraph:target_id)ContentAppears in: page, event.
Paragraph (field_paragraph:target_revision_id)ContentAppears in: page, event.
Paragraph (field_project_paragraph:delta)ContentDelta - Appears in: project.
Paragraph (field_project_paragraph:target_id)ContentAppears in: project.
Paragraph (field_project_paragraph:target_revision_id)ContentAppears in: project.
Proje Tipi (field_project_type)ContentAppears in: project.
Promoted to front pageContentA boolean indicating whether the node is visible on the front page.
Revision IDContent
Revision translation affectedContentIndicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision.
Sticky at top of listsContentA boolean indicating whether the node should sort to the top of content lists.
Title Image (field_title_image:alt)ContentAppears in: page.
Title Image (field_title_image:height)ContentAppears in: page.
Title Image (field_title_image:target_id)ContentAppears in: page.
Title Image (field_title_image:title)ContentAppears in: page.
Title Image (field_title_image:width)ContentAppears in: page.
Translation languageContentThe language of the content or translation.
Translation outdatedContentA boolean indicating whether this translation needs to be updated.
Translation sourceContentThe source language from which this translation was created.
Updated dateContentDate in the form of CCYYMMDD.
Updated dayContentDate in the form of DD (01 - 31).
Updated monthContentDate in the form of MM (01 - 12).
Updated weekContentDate in the form of WW (01 - 53).
Updated yearContentDate in the form of YYYY.
Updated year + monthContentDate in the form of YYYYMM.
User has a revisionContentAll nodes where a certain user has a revision
Webform (webform:close)ContentAppears in: webform.
Webform (webform:default_data)ContentAppears in: webform.
Webform (webform:open)ContentAppears in: webform.
Webform (webform:status)ContentAppears in: webform.
Webform (webform:target_id)ContentAppears in: webform.
Yıl (field_event_years)ContentAppears in: event.
Authored byContent revisionThe username of the content author.
Authored onContent revisionThe time that the node was created.
ChangedContent revisionThe time that the node was last edited.
Default revisionContent revisionA flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved.
Default translationContent revisionA flag indicating whether this is the default translation.
IDContent revision
Original languageContent revision
Promoted to front pageContent revisionA boolean indicating whether the node is visible on the front page.
PublishedContent revision
Revision create timeContent revisionThe time that the current revision was created.
Revision IDContent revision
Revision log messageContent revisionBriefly describe the changes you have made.
Revision translation affectedContent revisionIndicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision.
Revision userContent revisionThe user ID of the author of the current revision.
Sticky at top of listsContent revisionA boolean indicating whether the node should sort to the top of content lists.
TitleContent revision
Translation languageContent revisionThe language of the content or translation.
Translation outdatedContent revisionA boolean indicating whether this translation needs to be updated.
Translation sourceContent revisionThe source language from which this translation was created.
DraggableViews WeightDraggableviewsDisplay the weight value.
Üst ögeDraggableviewsThe parent entity id.
Entity IDFile UsageThe ID of the entity that is related to the file.
Entity typeFile UsageThe type of entity that is related to the file.
ModuleFile UsageThe module managing this file relationship.
NullGlobalAllow a contextual filter value to be ignored. The query will not be altered by this contextual filter value. Can be used when contextual filter values come from the URL, and a part of the URL needs to be ignored.
CreatedKullanıcıThe time that the user was created.
Created dateKullanıcıDate in the form of CCYYMMDD.
Created dayKullanıcıDate in the form of DD (01 - 31).
Created monthKullanıcıDate in the form of MM (01 - 12).
Created weekKullanıcıDate in the form of WW (01 - 53).
Created yearKullanıcıDate in the form of YYYY.
Created year + monthKullanıcıDate in the form of YYYYMM.
Default translationKullanıcıA flag indicating whether this is the default translation.
EmailKullanıcıEmail address for a given user. This field is normally not shown to users, so be cautious when using it.
Initial emailKullanıcıThe email address used for initial account creation.
Last accessKullanıcıThe time that the user last accessed the site.
Last loginKullanıcıThe time that the user last logged in.
NameKullanıcıThe user or author name.
Original languageKullanıcıThe user language code.
Preferred admin languageKullanıcıPreferred administrative language of the user
Preferred languageKullanıcıPreferred language of the user
Resim (user_picture:alt)KullanıcıAppears in: user.
Resim (user_picture:height)KullanıcıAppears in: user.
Resim (user_picture:target_id)KullanıcıAppears in: user.
Resim (user_picture:title)KullanıcıAppears in: user.
Resim (user_picture:width)KullanıcıAppears in: user.
RolesKullanıcıThe roles the user has.
TimezoneKullanıcıThe timezone of this user.
Translation languageKullanıcıLanguage of the translation of user information
Updated dateKullanıcıThe time that the user was last edited.
Updated dateKullanıcıDate in the form of CCYYMMDD.
Updated dayKullanıcıDate in the form of DD (01 - 31).
Updated monthKullanıcıDate in the form of MM (01 - 12).
Updated weekKullanıcıDate in the form of WW (01 - 53).
Updated yearKullanıcıDate in the form of YYYY.
Updated year + monthKullanıcıDate in the form of YYYYMM.
User IDKullanıcıThe user ID.
User statusKullanıcıWhether the user is active or blocked.
UUIDKullanıcıThe user UUID.
NidTrackerThe node ID of the node.
NidTracker - UserThe node ID of the node a user created or commented on. You must use an argument or filter on UID or you will get misleading results using this field.
UidTracker - UserThe user ID of a user who touched the node (either created or commented on it).
User posted or commentedTracker - UserDisplay nodes only if a user posted the node or commented on the node.