This field supports tokens. Browse available tokens.
Select the webform that you would like to display in this block.
Enter submission data as name and value pairs as YAML which will be used to prepopulate the selected webform. You may use tokens.
# This is an example of a comment.
element_key: 'some value'

# The below example uses a token to get the current node's title.
title: '[webform_submission:node:title:clear]'

# Add ':clear' to the end token to return an empty value when the token is missing.
# The below example uses a token to get a field value from the current node.
full_name: '[webform_submission:node:field_full_name:clear]'
If your webform has multiple pages, this will change the behavior of the "Next" button. This will also affect where validation messages show up after an error.
If checked, the form will be loaded after the page has been built and cached. Lazy builders work best when using the BigPipe module.
Language selection
Select languages to enforce. If none are selected, all languages will be allowed.
Specify pages by using their paths. Enter one path per line. The '*' character is a wildcard. An example path is /user/* for every user page. <front> is the front page.
Negate the condition
When the user has the following roles
Select which webforms this block should be displayed on.
Select 'Webform from URL' to display this block, when the current request's path contains the selected webform.
Select 'Webform submission from URL' to display this block, when the current request's path contains a webform submission that was created from the selected webform.
Select 'Node from URL' to display this block, when the current request's path contains a node that references the selected webform using a dedicated webform field or node.
Content type
A unique name for this block instance. Must be alpha-numeric and underscore separated.
Select the region where this block should be displayed.
Customize the styling of this block by adding CSS classes.