Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
GazeteSU Drupal 7 Migration Module
ECK (Entity Construction Kit) allows users to create and administer entity types, bundles and entities from UI.
Allows any Drupal entity to be converted to a PDF
Allows any Drupal View to be printed
Examples of how Drupal 8+ migration compares to previous versions.
Specialized examples of Drupal 8+ migration.
Simple JSON Migration example
Provides a field that allows a content entity to create and configure custom block instances.
Defines datetime form elements and a datetime field type.
Provides the ability to store end dates.
Adds a Entity Reference field type with revision support.
Defines a field type for files.
Defines a simple iframe field type.
Defines a field type for image media and provides display configuration tools.
Provides a simple link field type.
Defines selection, check box and radio button widgets for text and numeric fields.
Defines a field type for telephone numbers.
Defines simple text field types.
This module enables lazy-loading images and iframes via text-filters and image-fields. Requires lazysizes library.
Provides jQuery UI library.
Provides jQuery UI Datepicker library.
Provides jQuery UI Slider library.
Provides jQuery UI Touch Punch library.
Allow for site emails to be sent through an SMTP server of your choice.
Overrides the standard image formatter and widget to support SVG files.
Overrides the responsive image formatter to support SVG files.
Handles migrations
Contains migrations from older Drupal versions.
Provides a user interface for migrating from older Drupal versions.
Enhancements to core migration support