Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
Filter by the draggableviews parent's entity id (Native handler only).
Combine multiple fields together and search by them.
The time that the entity was created.
The author of this translation.
The Unix timestamp when the translation was most recently saved.
A boolean indicating whether the translation is visible to non-translators.
The entity type.
Source string (Built-in English)
1 month

@count months
Translated string (TR)
Edit News / Announcements
Raw @column
Column used for click sorting
Used by Style: Table to determine the actual column to click sort the field on. The default is usually fine.
URL to image
None (original image)
Configure Image Styles
Link image to
Render SVG image as <img>
Render SVG images as usual image in IMG tag instead of <svg> tag
SVG Images dimensions (attributes)
Use field template
If checked, field api classes will be added by field templates. This is not recommended unless your CSS depends upon these classes. If not checked, template will not be used.
Override the output of this field with custom text
Style name
Add image style
view actual size
Sample original image