Source string (Built-in English) Enter custom HTML into your webform.
Source string (Built-in English) Content types allowed in book outlines
Source string (Built-in English) Users with the %outline-perm permission can add all content types.
Source string (Built-in English) Content type for the <em>Add child page</em> link
Source string (Built-in English) Static cache cleared.
Source string (Built-in English) Render cache cleared.
Source string (Built-in English) Twig cache cleared.
Source string (Built-in English) The return value is what is submitted to the server and stored in the database when the element is checked. The default value and recommended return value is a TRUE boolean value.
Source string (Built-in English) <strong>The return value should only be customized when an external system or service expects a custom string value. (i.e. yes, checked, accepted, etc…)</strong>
Source string (Built-in English) Return value
Source string (Built-in English) Return/default value
Source string (Built-in English) Exclude unselected checkbox
Source string (Built-in English) Output
Source string (Built-in English) Range settings
Source string (Built-in English) Above (Floating)
Source string (Built-in English) Below (Floating)
Source string (Built-in English) Output the range's value
Source string (Built-in English) Text or code that is placed directly in front of the output. This can be used to prefix an output with a constant string. Examples=> $, #, -.
Source string (Built-in English) Output prefix
Source string (Built-in English) Text or code that is placed directly after the output. This can be used to add a unit to an output. Examples=> lb, kg, %.
Source string (Built-in English) Output suffix
Source string (Built-in English) Range output settings
Source string (Built-in English) The value of the webform element.
Source string (Built-in English) Email confirm title
Source string (Built-in English) Email confirm description
Source string (Built-in English) Email confirm placeholder
Source string (Built-in English) Email confirm settings
Source string (Built-in English) Unique ID used to store the message's closed state. Please enter only lower-case letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.
Source string (Built-in English) None -- Message state is never stored.
Source string (Built-in English) Session storage -- Message state is reset after the browser is closed.