Source string (Built-in English) The label for this search page.
Source string (Built-in English) Save search page
Source string (Built-in English) Future format
Source string (Built-in English) Use <em>@interval</em> where you want the formatted interval text to appear.
Source string (Built-in English) Past format
Source string (Built-in English) How many time interval units should be shown in the formatted output.
Source string (Built-in English) Selected language configuration
Source string (Built-in English) Default tab options
Source string (Built-in English) When providing a menu link as a tab, Drupal needs to know what the parent menu link of that tab will be. Sometimes the parent will already exist, but other times you will need to have one created. The path of a parent link will always be the same path with the last part left off. i.e, if the path to this view is <em>foo/bar/baz</em>, the parent path would be <em>foo/bar</em>.
Source string (Built-in English) Already exists
Source string (Built-in English) Normal menu link
Source string (Built-in English) If creating a parent menu link, enter the title of the link.
Source string (Built-in English) If creating a parent menu link, enter the description of the link.
Source string (Built-in English) Tab weight
Source string (Built-in English) If the parent menu link is a tab, enter the weight of the tab. Heavier tabs will sink and the lighter tabs will be positioned nearer to the first menu link.
Source string (Built-in English) Create new style
Source string (Built-in English) Part of the URL that determines language
Source string (Built-in English) %language (%langcode) path prefix
Source string (Built-in English) %language (%langcode) path prefix (Default language)
Source string (Built-in English) Path prefix configuration
Source string (Built-in English) Language codes or other custom text to use as a path prefix for URL language detection. For the selected fallback language, this value may be left blank. <strong>Modifying this value may break existing URLs. Use with caution in a production environment.</strong> Example: Specifying "deutsch" as the path prefix code for German results in URLs like "".
Source string (Built-in English) %language (%langcode) domain
Source string (Built-in English) Domain configuration
Source string (Built-in English) The domain names to use for these languages. <strong>Modifying this value may break existing URLs. Use with caution in a production environment.</strong> Example: Specifying "" as language domain for German will result in a URL like "".
Source string (Built-in English) URL language detection configuration
Source string (Built-in English) Always show the default display
Source string (Built-in English) Always show advanced display settings
Source string (Built-in English) Allow embedded displays
Source string (Built-in English) Embedded displays can be used in code via views_embed_view().
Source string (Built-in English) Label for "Any" value on non-required single-select exposed filters