Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for İngilizce
External server URL
Links to an external server using a full URL: e.g. '' or ''.
No transform
Upper case
Lower case
Capitalize first letter
Capitalize each word
Transform the case
When printing URL paths, how to transform the case of the filter value.
Link class
The CSS class to apply to the link.
Text to place as "title" text which most browsers display as a tooltip when hovering over the link.
Rel Text
Include Rel attribute for use in lightbox2 or other javascript utility.
Prefix text
Any text to display before this link. You may include HTML.
Suffix text
Any text to display after this link. You may include HTML.
Target of the link, such as _blank, _parent or an iframe's name. This field is rarely used.
Trim this field to a maximum number of characters
Maximum number of characters
Trim only on a word boundary
If checked, this field be trimmed only on a word boundary. This is guaranteed to be the maximum characters stated or less. If there are no word boundaries this could trim a field to nothing.
Add "…" at the end of trimmed text
Add a read-more link if output is trimmed
More link label
You may use the "Replacement patterns" above.
More link path
This can be an internal Drupal path such as node/add or an external URL such as "". You may use the "Replacement patterns" above.