Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for İngilizce
Message displayed to user on submission
HTML (CSS & JavaScript)
Wrap long lines of text
CodeMirror settings
Questions description display
Randomizes the order of the questions when they are displayed in the webform.
Randomize questions
Answers description display
Allowing N/A is ideal for situations where you wish to make a likert element required, but still want to allow users to opt out of certain questions.
Allow N/A answer
Value stored in the database. Leave blank to store an empty string in the database.
N/A answer value
Text displayed on the webform.
N/A answer text
If checked, the answers will float at the top of the page as the user scrolls-thru the questions.
Likert settings
If set, this message will be used when a required likert question is empty, instead of the default "X field is required." message. To include the question title in the required message, please include the @name placeholder in the required message.
Make sure the attachment URL/Path is publicly accessible. The attachment's URL/path will never be displayed to end users.
Redirect Source
Please check the formats that are available for this element. Leave blank to allow all available formats.