Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for İngilizce
Maximum label
Scale size
Scale type
Scale text
Scale settings
Auto detect
Please make sure to enable 'Include files as attachments' for each email handler that you want to send this attachment.
The attachment's link will only be diplayed on the form after the submission is completed.
Please enter the attachment's file name with a file extension. The file extension will be used to determine the attachment's content (mime) type.
Enter the title to be displayed when the attachment is displayed as a link.
Link title
If checked, all spaces and returns around the attachment's content with be removed.
Remove whitespace around the attachment's content
If checked the attachment will be automatically download.
Force users to download the attachment
Disabled attachments will not be included as file attachments in sent emails.
Arrow character
Source options
Source description display
Mapping source
Destination type
Destination title
Destination description
Destination options