Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for İngilizce
Label for the XML Sitemap.
Most sites should only need a sitemap for their default language since translated content is now added to the sitemap using alternate links. If you truly need a sitemap for multiple languages, it is still possible to do so.
Add new XML Sitemap
Custom sitemap entities settings
Sitemap settings
Custom Entities Settings
Enable interface translation to English
Save language
Edit language
image style
The time that the custom block was last edited.
search page
Edit %label search page
The block type.
The custom block ID.
A boolean indicating whether this block is reusable.
The revision ID.
The custom block UUID.
Edit XML Sitemap
My recent content
Request/session parameter
Name of the request/session parameter used to determine the desired language.
Session language detection configuration
Submit the sitemap to the following engines
Do not submit more often than every
Only submit if the sitemap has been updated since the last submission.
Custom submission URLs
Enter one URL per line. The token [sitemap] will be replaced with the URL to your sitemap. For example: %example-before would become %example-after.
There are no available Views Templates
Current node's creation time