Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for İngilizce
Featured bottom third
Footer first
Footer second
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Footer fifth
@bundle_type is @bundle
Add a form element that lets you run operations on multiple submissions.
Enter a part of the field or @bundle to filter by.
Enter field or @bundle
Enter a part of the block, theme or category to filter by.
Enter block, theme or category
Existing languages
Languages not yet added
Translation file
A Gettext Portable Object file.
Treat imported strings as custom translations
Overwrite non-customized translations
Overwrite existing customized translations
Interface translation import
A brief description of your block.
This sort is exposed. If you hide it, users will not be able to change it.
Hide sort
Sort field identifier
This will appear in the URL after the ?, as value of 'sort_by' parameter, to identify this sort field. Cannot be blank. Only letters, digits and the dot ('.'), hyphen ('-'), underscore ('_'), and tilde ('~') characters are allowed.
You may use HTML code in this field. The following tokens are supported:
Display in native language
Output the URL as text