Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for İngilizce
No transparency
Allow transparency
Allow transparency per CSS in the outer iframe tag. You have to set background-color:transparent in your iframe body tag too!
Allow fullscreen for iframe. The iframe can activate fullscreen mode by calling the requestFullscreen() method.
No tokens allowed
Tokens only in title field
Tokens for title and URL field
Token Support
Are tokens allowed for users to use in title or URL field?
Trimmed limit: @trim_length characters
Attachment before
The %target_bundle bundle (entity type: %target_entity_type) was deleted. As a result, the %field_name entity reference revisions field (entity_type: %entity_type, bundle: %bundle) no longer specifies a specific target bundle. The field will now accept any bundle and may need to be adjusted.
Defined on the <a href="@appearance">Appearance Settings</a> page.
Are you sure you want to delete the recent logs?
Has taxonomy term ID depth modifier
Has taxonomy term ID (with depth)
User has a revision
Updated week
Updated day
Updated month
Updated year
Updated year + month
Created week
Created day
Created month
Created year
Created date