Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for İngilizce
Order of language detection methods for content. If a version of content is available in the detected language, it will be displayed.
Customize %language_name language detection to differ from Interface text language detection settings
Determines the content language from the request parameter named 'language_content_entity'.
Use the detected interface language.
Please note that while the site is in maintenance mode none of the usual meta tags will be output.
Meta Tags:
Entity type / Group Mapping
Identify which metatag groups should be available on which entity type / bundle combination. Unselected groups will not appear on the configuration form for that entity type, reducing the size of the form and increasing performance. If no groups are selected for a type, all groups will appear.
Use Maxlength module to force these limits?
Install the Maxlength module to enable this option.
Trim the Meta Tag after the word on the given value
Trim the Meta Tag on the given value
Trim the Meta Tag before the word on the given value
Meta Tags: Trimming Options
Metatag Trimming Options
Many Meta-Tags can be trimmed on a specific length for search engine optimization.<br/>If the value is set to '0' or left empty, the whole Metatag will be untrimmed.
eg 500px or 8rem
Scroll maximum height
To enable scrolling please enter a value and its units, e.g. 500px, 8rem, etc. Removing this value will remove the scroll.
Metatag widget options
Various options for the field widget used on entity forms, e.g. on content type forms.
Configure the Metatag module
%percentage of the site has been indexed.
Source string (Built-in English)
There is 1 item left to index.

There are @count items left to index.
Translated string (İngilizce)
Re-index site
Indexing progress
Only items in the index will appear in search results. To build and maintain the index, a correctly configured <a href=":cron">cron maintenance task</a> is required.
Number of items to index per cron run
The maximum number of items indexed in each run of the <a href=":cron">cron maintenance task</a>. If necessary, reduce the number of items to prevent timeouts and memory errors while indexing. Some search page types may have their own setting for this.