-uuid: c38756b3-9020-4617-a3b9-cea57975192b+File removed
-langcode: tr
-status: true
- config:
- - webform.webform.demo_application_evaluation
- module:
- - webform
- default_config_hash: eM4q3TMKR1kOcye07IYpvDkr8agiGwjIikgI5Rl_ruM
-id: webform_demo_application_evaluations
-label: 'Demo: Application Evaluations'
-module: views
-description: ''
-tag: ''
-base_table: webform_submission
-base_field: sid
- default:
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- display_plugin: default
- position: 0
- display_options:
- fields: { }
- pager:
- type: none
- options:
- offset: 0
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Apply
- reset_button: false
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- access:
- type: none
- options: { }
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- empty:
- area:
- id: area
- table: views
- field: area
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- plugin_id: text
- empty: true
- content:
- value: 'No evaluations have been submitted.'
- format: basic_html
- tokenize: false
- sorts: { }
- arguments:
- entity_id:
- id: entity_id
- table: webform_submission
- field: entity_id
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- entity_type: webform_submission
- entity_field: entity_id
- plugin_id: string
- default_action: empty
- exception:
- value: all
- title_enable: false
- title: All
- title_enable: false
- title: ''
- default_argument_type: fixed
- default_argument_options:
- argument: ''
- default_argument_skip_url: false
- summary_options:
- base_path: ''
- count: true
- override: false
- items_per_page: 25
- summary:
- sort_order: asc
- number_of_records: 0
- format: default_summary
- specify_validation: false
- validate:
- type: none
- fail: 'not found'
- validate_options: { }
- glossary: false
- limit: 0
- case: none
- path_case: none
- transform_dash: false
- break_phrase: false
- filters:
- webform_id:
- id: webform_id
- table: webform_submission
- field: webform_id
- entity_type: webform_submission
- entity_field: webform_id
- plugin_id: bundle
- value:
- demo_application_evaluation: demo_application_evaluation
- expose:
- operator_limit_selection: false
- operator_list: { }
- style:
- type: default
- options:
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: false
- uses_fields: false
- row:
- type: 'entity:webform_submission'
- options:
- relationship: none
- view_mode: default
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- query_comment: ''
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_tags: { }
- relationships: { }
- header: { }
- footer: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- max-age: -1
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - user
- tags: { }
- embed:
- id: embed
- display_title: Embed
- display_plugin: embed
- position: 1
- display_options:
- display_extenders: { }
- cache_metadata:
- max-age: -1
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - user
- tags: { }
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