A unique machine-readable name. Can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.
All roles for this text format must be enabled and cannot be changed.
Ensures that the latest versions of images uploaded via a Text Editor are displayed.
Uses a data-align attribute on <img> tags to align images.
Uses a data-caption attribute on <img> tags to caption images.
Disallows usage of <img> tag sources that are not hosted on this site by replacing them with a placeholder image.
Only selected tags will be lazy-loaded in activated text-formats.
Embeds media items using a custom tag, <drupal-media>. If used in conjunction with the 'Align/Caption' filters, make sure this filter is configured to run after them.
Display any HTML as plain text
Convert line breaks into HTML (i.e. <br> and <p>)
Convert URLs into links
Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML
Track images uploaded via a Text Editor
Align images
Caption images
Restrict images to this site
Correct faulty and chopped off HTML
Lazy-load images and iframes
Embed media
Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML
A list of HTML tags that can be used. By default only the lang and dir attributes are allowed for all HTML tags. Each HTML tag may have attributes which are treated as allowed attribute names for that HTML tag. Each attribute may allow all values, or only allow specific values. Attribute names or values may be written as a prefix and wildcard like jump-*. JavaScript event attributes, JavaScript URLs, and CSS are always stripped.
Convert URLs into links
URLs longer than this number of characters will be truncated to prevent long strings that break formatting. The link itself will be retained; just the text portion of the link will be truncated.
Lazy-load images and iframes
Lazy-load filter can be enabled for images and iframes.
This option only applies to inline-images. If Embed media filter is enabled, the images embedded from media library would use the the selected view mode settings.
Embed media
The view mode that an embedded media item should be displayed in by default. This can be overridden using the data-view-mode attribute.
Media types selectable in the Media Library
If none are selected, all will be allowed.
View modes selectable in the 'Edit media' dialog
If two or more view modes are selected, users will be able to update the view mode that an embedded media item should be displayed in after it has been embedded. If less than two view modes are selected, media will be embedded using the default view mode and no view mode options will appear after a media item has been embedded.