Objective: To develop and diffuse methodologies to help SMEs in their strategy development.

Scope: To develop a methodology for strategy development and to prepare training programs in order to provide a base for SMEs in their efforts for strategy development.

Partners: REF (Gündüz Ulusoy and Hande Yeğenoğlu); universities, trade associations and SMEs from Ireland, England, Poland, Czech Republic and Turkey under the supervision of Supply Network Shannon. From Turkey, TAYSAD (Turkish Automotive Parts and Components Manufacturers’ Association) and Farel joined the project as a trade association and an SME, respectively.

Current Status: This project is supported through the Leonardo da Vinci Program of the European Commission. The project has started on November 4, 2004 and finished on December 31, 2006.

Please click here for the survey overview of the project.

REF has organized a Conference entitled “Competitors to Partners: Collaborations” to inform SMEs of collaborations and SMEexcel Project on October 13, 2005. Please click here for the presentations of the Conference.

To visit the project website, please click here.