National Innovation Initiative II. Workshop (April 29, 2006), Sabanci University

29 April 2006

Summary of Second Workshop of NII

Second workshop on April 29, 2006 at the premises of Sabancı University, supported with participation from the members of NII. During the morning session, five Working Groups presented both their conclusion and evaluations came out through their intensive work implemented since October 1, 2005. Subsequent to that piece of work, afternoon section continued with four different "discussion groups", those of which were created of members who should represent at least each of the Working Groups. In this way, every discussion group was ensured to be able to state their review upon the other Working Groups’ draft studies. The workshop was fulfilled with an assessment assembly by spokespersons that delivered the issues raised by the discussion groups.

During the following term, action was planned to transform the draft works into the final version, which is expected to be the NII’s Strategy Document. The document is proposed to go public by the end of September 2006, and structure of the overall project has been designed accordingly.