The minimum amount of time that will elapse before the sitemaps are regenerated. The sitemaps will also only be regenerated on cron if any links have been added, updated, or deleted.
Recommended value: 1 day.
When enabled, this will add formatting and tables with sorting to make it easier to view the XML Sitemap data instead of viewing raw XML output. Search engines will ignore this.
Note this will ignore default metatags, only when items have overridden the Robots meta tag.
If there are problems with rebuilding the sitemap, you may want to manually set this value. If you have more than 50000 links, an index with multiple sitemap pages will be generated. There is a maximum of 50000 sitemap pages.
If you have problems running cron or rebuilding the sitemap, you may want to lower this value.
Subdirectory where the sitemap data will be stored. This folder must not be shared with any other Drupal site or install using XML Sitemap.
This is the default base URL used for sitemaps and sitemap links.
This can be disabled if other methods are being used to generate the sitemap files, i.e. the drush xmlsitemap:regenerate command.
The front page path can be changed in the site information configuration.
Content typeInclusionPriorityAvailableIndexedVisible
Temel sayfaIncluded0.5304848