Element general settings
The element key pattern is used to limit the format of element keys.Please note: Automatically generated element keys are lowercased letters, numbers, and underscores
Text that will be shown when empty elements are included in submission previews and/or emails
Allowed tags
Admin tags include a, abbr, acronym, address, article, aside, b, bdi, bdo, big, blockquote, br, caption, cite, code, col, colgroup, command, dd, del, details, dfn, div, dl, dt, em, figcaption, figure, footer, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hgroup, hr, i, img, ins, kbd, li, mark, menu, meter, nav, ol, output, p, pre, progress, q, rp, rt, ruby, s, samp, section, small, span, strong, sub, summary, sup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, time, tr, tt, u, ul, var, wbr, picture, and source.
HTML tags include a, em, strong, cite, blockquote, code, ul, ol, li, dl, dt, and dd.
Allowed tags are applied to any element property that may contain HTML markup. Element properties which can contain HTML markup include #title, #description, #field_prefix, and #field_suffix.
A list of classes that will be provided in the "Wrapper CSS classes" dropdown. Enter one or more classes on each line. These styles should be available in your theme's CSS file.
A list of classes that will be provided in the "Element CSS classes" dropdown. Enter one or more classes on each line. These styles should be available in your theme's CSS file.
A list of classes that will be provided in the "Horizontal rule CSS classes" dropdown. Enter one or more classes on each line. These styles should be available in your theme's CSS file.
Determines the default placement of the description for all webform elements.
The (read) more label used to hide/show more information about an element.
Default section title tag
HTML editor settings
If checked, <p> tags, which can add top and bottom margins, will be removed from all single line HTML markup.
If checked, all HTML editors will be disabled.
Leave blank to use the custom and recommended Webform specific HTML editor.
Leave blank to use the custom and recommended Webform specific HTML editor.
Drupal core does not automatically delete unused files because unused files could reused.
Select settings
If checked, the first default option for a select menu will always be displayed.
The label to show for the first default option for a required select menus.Defaults to: - Select -
The label to show for the first default option for an optional select menus.Defaults to: - None -
File upload settings
Drupal core does not automatically delete unused files because unused files could reused. For webform submissions it is recommended that unused files are deleted.
Drupal core does not immediately delete temporary file. For webform submissions it is recommended that temporary files are immediately deleted.
Allowing public file uploads is dangerous for webforms that are available to anonymous and/or untrusted users. For more information see: DRUPAL-PSA-2016-003
If checked, anonymous users will be redirected to the user login page when attempting to access private file uploads.
Enter a value like "512" (bytes), "80 KB" (kilobytes) or "50 MB" (megabytes) in order to restrict the allowed file size. If left empty the file sizes will be limited only by PHP's maximum post and file upload sizes.Current limit: 256 MB
Enter a value like "512" (bytes), "80 KB" (kilobytes) or "50 MB" (megabytes) in order to set file upload limit.
Separate extensions with a space or comma and do not include the leading dot.
Separate extensions with a space or comma and do not include the leading dot.
Separate extensions with a space or comma and do not include the leading dot.
Separate extensions with a space or comma and do not include the leading dot.
Separate extensions with a space or comma and do not include the leading dot.
Select available element types
Addresswebform_addressProvides a form element to collect address information (street, city, state, zip).
Advanced HTML/Textprocessed_textProvides an element to render advanced HTML markup and processed text.
Attachment tokenwebform_attachment_tokenGenerates an attachment using tokens.
Attachment Twigwebform_attachment_twigGenerates an attachment using Twig.
Attachment URLwebform_attachment_urlGenerates an attachment using a URL.
Audio filewebform_audio_fileProvides a form element for uploading and saving an audio file.
Autocompletewebform_autocompleteProvides a text field element with auto completion.
Basic HTMLwebform_markupProvides an element to render basic HTML markup.
CheckboxcheckboxProvides a form element for a single checkbox.
CheckboxescheckboxesProvides a form element for a set of checkboxes.
Checkboxes otherwebform_checkboxes_otherProvides a form element for a set of checkboxes, with the ability to enter a custom value.
CodeMirrorwebform_codemirrorProvides a form element for editing code in a number of programming languages and markup. Code editing support is provided by the CodeMirror library.
ColorcolorProvides a form element for choosing a color.
Computed tokenwebform_computed_tokenProvides an item to display computed webform submission values using tokens.
Computed Twigwebform_computed_twigProvides an item to display computed webform submission values using Twig.
Contactwebform_contactProvides a form element to collect contact information (name, address, phone, email).
ContainercontainerProvides an element that wraps child elements in a container.
Custom compositewebform_custom_compositeProvides a form element to create custom composites using a grid/table layout.
DatedateProvides a form element for date selection.
Date/timedatetimeProvides a form element for date & time selection.
Date listdatelistProvides a form element for date & time selection using select menus and text fields.
DetailsdetailsProvides an interactive element that a user can open and close.
Document filewebform_document_fileProvides a form element for uploading and saving a document.
EmailemailProvides a form element for entering an email address.
Email confirmwebform_email_confirmProvides a form element for double-input of email addresses.
Email multiplewebform_email_multipleProvides a form element for multiple email addresses.
Entity autocompleteentity_autocompleteProvides a form element to select an entity reference using an autocompletion.
Entity checkboxeswebform_entity_checkboxesProvides a form element to select multiple entity references using checkboxes.
Entity radioswebform_entity_radiosProvides a form element to select a single entity reference using radio buttons.
Entity selectwebform_entity_selectProvides a form element to select a single or multiple entity references using a select menu.
FieldsetfieldsetProvides an element for a group of form elements.
Filemanaged_fileProvides a form element for uploading and saving a file.
Flexbox layoutwebform_flexboxProvides a flex(ible) box container used to layout elements in multiple columns.
Height (feet/inches)webform_heightProvides a form element to collect height in feet and inches.
HiddenhiddenProvides a form element for an HTML 'hidden' input element.
Horizontal rulewebform_horizontal_ruleProvides a horizontal rule element.
Image filewebform_image_fileProvides a form element for uploading and saving an image file.
ItemitemProvides a display-only form element with an optional title and description.
LabellabelProvides an element for displaying the label for a form element.
Language selectlanguage_selectProvides a form element for selecting a language.
Likertwebform_likertProvides a form element where users can respond to multiple questions using a Likert scale.
Linkwebform_linkProvides a form element to display a link.
Machine namemachine_nameProvides a form element to enter a machine name, which is validated to ensure that the name is unique and does not contain disallowed characters.
Mappingwebform_mappingProvides a form element where source values can mapped to destination values.
Messagewebform_messageProvides an element to render custom, dismissible, inline status messages.
Morewebform_moreProvides a more slideout element.
Namewebform_nameProvides a form element to collect a person's full name.
NumbernumberProvides a form element for numeric input, with special numeric validation.
PasswordpasswordProvides a form element for entering a password, with hidden text.
Password confirmpassword_confirmProvides a form element for double-input of passwords.
RadiosradiosProvides a form element for a set of radio buttons.
Radios otherwebform_radios_otherProvides a form element for a set of radio buttons, with the ability to enter a custom value.
RangerangeProvides a form element for input of a number within a specific range using a slider.
Ratingwebform_ratingProvides a form element to rate something using an attractive voting widget. Rating widget is provided by the RateIt library.
Same as…webform_sameProvides a form element for syncing the value of two elements.
Scalewebform_scaleProvides a form element for input of a numeric scale.
SearchsearchProvides form element for entering a search phrase.
Sectionwebform_sectionProvides an element for a section/group of form elements.
SelectselectProvides a form element for a drop-down menu or scrolling selection box.
Select otherwebform_select_otherProvides a form element for a drop-down menu or scrolling selection box, with the ability to enter a custom value.
Signaturewebform_signatureProvides a form element to collect electronic signatures from users. Signature support is provided by the Signature Pad library.
Submit button(s)webform_actionsProvides an element that contains a Webform's submit, draft, wizard, and/or preview buttons.
TabletableProvides an element to render a table.
Tablewebform_tableProvides an element to render a table.
Table rowwebform_table_rowProvides an element to render a table row.
Table selecttableselectProvides a form element for a table with radios or checkboxes in left column.
Tableselect sortwebform_tableselect_sortProvides a form element for a table with radios or checkboxes in left column that can be sorted.
Table sortwebform_table_sortProvides a form element for a table of values that can be sorted.
TelephonetelProvides a form element for entering a telephone number.
Telephone advancedwebform_telephoneProvides a form element to display a telephone number with type and extension.
Term checkboxeswebform_term_checkboxesProvides a form element to select a single or multiple terms displayed as hierarchical tree or as breadcrumbs using checkboxes.
Term selectwebform_term_selectProvides a form element to select a single or multiple terms displayed as hierarchical tree or as breadcrumbs using a select menu.
Terms of servicewebform_terms_of_serviceProvides a terms of service element.
TextareatextareaProvides a form element for input of multiple-line text.
Text fieldtextfieldProvides a form element for input of a single-line text.
Text formattext_formatProvides a text format form element.
Timewebform_timeProvides a form element for time selection.
URLurlProvides a form element for input of a URL.
ValuevalueProvides a form element for storage of internal information.
Variantwebform_variantProvides a form element for enabling and tracking webform variants.
Vertical tabsvertical_tabsProvides a vertical tabs element.
Video filewebform_video_fileProvides a form element for uploading and saving a video file.
ViewviewProvides a view embed element. Only users who can 'Administer views' or 'Edit webform source code' can create and update this element.
Wizard pagewebform_wizard_pageProvides an element to display multiple form elements as a page in a multi-step form wizard.
Select default element item and items format.
TitleNameItem formatItems format
Provides a form element to collect address information (street, city, state, zip).
Advanced HTML/Text
Provides an element to render advanced HTML markup and processed text.
Attachment token
Generates an attachment using tokens.
Attachment Twig
Generates an attachment using Twig.
Attachment URL
Generates an attachment using a URL.
Audio file
Provides a form element for uploading and saving an audio file.
Provides a text field element with auto completion.
Basic HTML
Provides an element to render basic HTML markup.
Provides a form element for a single checkbox.
Provides a form element for a set of checkboxes.
Checkboxes other
Provides a form element for a set of checkboxes, with the ability to enter a custom value.
Provides a form element for editing code in a number of programming languages and markup. Code editing support is provided by the CodeMirror library.
Provides a form element for choosing a color.
Computed token
Provides an item to display computed webform submission values using tokens.
Computed Twig
Provides an item to display computed webform submission values using Twig.
Provides a form element to collect contact information (name, address, phone, email).
Provides an element that wraps child elements in a container.
Custom composite
Provides a form element to create custom composites using a grid/table layout.
Provides a form element for date selection.
Provides a form element for date & time selection.
Date list
Provides a form element for date & time selection using select menus and text fields.
Provides an interactive element that a user can open and close.
Document file
Provides a form element for uploading and saving a document.
Provides a form element for entering an email address.
Email confirm
Provides a form element for double-input of email addresses.
Email multiple
Provides a form element for multiple email addresses.
Entity autocomplete
Provides a form element to select an entity reference using an autocompletion.
Entity checkboxes
Provides a form element to select multiple entity references using checkboxes.
Entity radios
Provides a form element to select a single entity reference using radio buttons.
Entity select
Provides a form element to select a single or multiple entity references using a select menu.
Provides an element for a group of form elements.
Provides a form element for uploading and saving a file.
Flexbox layout
Provides a flex(ible) box container used to layout elements in multiple columns.
Generic element
Provides a generic form element.
Height (feet/inches)
Provides a form element to collect height in feet and inches.
Provides a form element for an HTML 'hidden' input element.
Horizontal rule
Provides a horizontal rule element.
Image file
Provides a form element for uploading and saving an image file.
Provides a display-only form element with an optional title and description.
Provides an element for displaying the label for a form element.
Language select
Provides a form element for selecting a language.
Provides a form element where users can respond to multiple questions using a Likert scale.
Provides a form element to display a link.
Machine name
Provides a form element to enter a machine name, which is validated to ensure that the name is unique and does not contain disallowed characters.
Provides a form element where source values can mapped to destination values.
Provides an element to render custom, dismissible, inline status messages.
Provides a more slideout element.
Provides a form element to collect a person's full name.
Provides a form element for numeric input, with special numeric validation.
Provides a form element for a set of radio buttons.
Radios other
Provides a form element for a set of radio buttons, with the ability to enter a custom value.
Provides a form element for input of a number within a specific range using a slider.
Provides a form element to rate something using an attractive voting widget. Rating widget is provided by the RateIt library.
Same as…
Provides a form element for syncing the value of two elements.
Provides a form element for input of a numeric scale.
Provides form element for entering a search phrase.
Provides an element for a section/group of form elements.
Provides a form element for a drop-down menu or scrolling selection box.
Select other
Provides a form element for a drop-down menu or scrolling selection box, with the ability to enter a custom value.
Provides a form element to collect electronic signatures from users. Signature support is provided by the Signature Pad library.
Submit button(s)
Provides an element that contains a Webform's submit, draft, wizard, and/or preview buttons.
Provides an element to render a table.
Provides an element to render a table.
Table row
Provides an element to render a table row.
Table select
Provides a form element for a table with radios or checkboxes in left column.
Tableselect sort
Provides a form element for a table with radios or checkboxes in left column that can be sorted.
Table sort
Provides a form element for a table of values that can be sorted.
Provides a form element for entering a telephone number.
Telephone advanced
Provides a form element to display a telephone number with type and extension.
Term checkboxes
Provides a form element to select a single or multiple terms displayed as hierarchical tree or as breadcrumbs using checkboxes.
Term select
Provides a form element to select a single or multiple terms displayed as hierarchical tree or as breadcrumbs using a select menu.
Terms of service
Provides a terms of service element.
Provides a form element for input of multiple-line text.
Text field
Provides a form element for input of a single-line text.
Text format
Provides a text format form element.
Provides a form element for time selection.
Provides a form element for input of a URL.
Provides a form element for storage of internal information.
Provides a form element for enabling and tracking webform variants.
Vertical tabs
Provides a vertical tabs element.
Video file
Provides a form element for uploading and saving a video file.
Provides a view embed element. Only users who can 'Administer views' or 'Edit webform source code' can create and update this element.
Wizard page
Provides an element to display multiple form elements as a page in a multi-step form wizard.