Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for EN
@field_label (* unsupported)
(* unsupported) Paragraphs fields do not support translation. See the <a href=":documentation">online documentation</a>.
@label (Translation is not supported).
Paragraph types that are used in moderated content requires non-translatable fields to be edited in the original language form and this must be checked.
Save configuration
Content language
@language (original)
Translations for %label
Source string (Built-in English)
1 hour

@count hours
Translated string (EN)
<span class="color-warning"><strong>@title @version</strong> (CDN).</span>
Algolia Places
Please download the <a href=":homepage_href">@title</a> library from <a href=":download_href">:download_href</a> and copy it to <b>@path</b> or use <a href=":install_href">Drush</a> to install this library.
Algolia Places is by the location places elements.
CKEditor: Autogrow
Allows CKEditor to automatically expand and shrink vertically.
CKEditor: CodeMirror
Makes it easier to edit the HTML source.
CKEditor: Fake Objects
Allows CKEditor to use basic image and link dialog.
CKEditor: Image
Allows CKEditor to use basic image dialog, which is not included in Drupal core.
CKEditor: Link
Allows CKEditor to use basic link dialog, which is not included in Drupal core.
Code Mirror
Code Mirror is used to provide a text editor for YAML, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript configuration settings and messages.
jQuery: Input Mask
Input masks are used to ensure predefined and custom formats for text fields.
jQuery: International Telephone Input