DraggableViews WeightDraggableviewsDisplay the weight value.
ParentDraggableviewsThe parent entity id.
NullGlobalAllow a contextual filter value to be ignored. The query will not be altered by this contextual filter value. Can be used when contextual filter values come from the URL, and a part of the URL needs to be ignored.
ChangedWebform submissionThe time that the webform submission was last saved (complete or draft).
CompletedWebform submissionThe time that the webform submission was submitted as complete (not draft).
CreatedWebform submissionThe time that the webform submission was first saved as draft or submitted.
Current pageWebform submissionThe current wizard page.
Is draftWebform submissionIs this a draft of the submission?
LockedWebform submissionA flag that indicates a locked webform submission.
NotesWebform submissionAdministrative notes about the webform submission.
Original languageWebform submissionThe submission language code.
Remote IP addressWebform submissionThe IP address of the user that submitted the webform.
Serial numberWebform submissionThe serial number of the webform submission entity.
StickyWebform submissionA flag that indicate the status of the webform submission.
Submission IDWebform submissionThe ID of the webform submission entity.
Submission URIWebform submissionThe URI the user submitted the webform.
Submission UUIDWebform submissionThe UUID of the webform submission entity.
Submitted byWebform submissionThe username of the user that submitted the webform.
Submitted to: Entity IDWebform submissionThe ID of the entity of which this webform submission was submitted from.
Submitted to: Entity typeWebform submissionThe entity type to which this submission was submitted from.
TokenWebform submissionA secure token used to look up a submission.
WebformWebform submissionThe associated webform.