DraggableViews WeightDraggableviewsSort by the weight value.
ChangedFileThe timestamp that the file was last changed.
CreatedFileThe timestamp that the file was created.
File IDFileThe file ID.
File MIME typeFileThe file's MIME type.
File sizeFileThe size of the file in bytes.
FilenameFileName of the file with no path components.
Original languageFileThe file language code.
StatusFileThe status of the file, temporary (FALSE) and permanent (TRUE).
URIFileThe URI to access the file (either local or remote).
User IDFileThe user ID of the file.
UUIDFileThe file UUID.
Entity IDFile UsageThe ID of the entity that is related to the file.
Entity typeFile UsageThe type of entity that is related to the file.
ModuleFile UsageThe module managing this file relationship.
Use countFile UsageThe number of times the file is used by this entity.
RandomGlobalRandomize the display order.