Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for TR
Enter @label…
CC email
CC email address
BCC email
BCC email address
Use [webform_submission:values:ELEMENT_KEY:raw] to get plain text values.
Please note: You can select which <strong>user roles</strong> are available to receive webform emails by going to the Webform module's <a href=":href">admin settings</a> form.
Send from (website/domain)
This is the "From:" email header which should come from <em>you</em>. It should be your brand, company, organization, or website entity.
From email
From email address
Reply to (individual/organization)
The "Reply-To:" email header is used for replying to the email that is received. For example, if you collect a customers email, you would want to reply-to them. If you collect a lead generation form and want to reply to the coordinator, you would reply-to them.
Reply-to email address
Custom body…
Twig template…
Body custom value (@format)
Body default value (@format)
Body custom value (Twig)
Included email values/markup
The selected elements will be included in the [webform_submission:values] token. Individual values may still be printed if explicitly specified as a [webform_submission:values:?] in the email body template.
Always include elements with private and restricted access
If checked, access controls for included element will be ignored.
If checked, empty elements will be excluded from the email values.
If checked, empty checkboxes will be excluded from the email values.
Exclude file elements with attachments
If checked, file attachments will be excluded from the email values, but the selected element files will still be attached to the email.
To send email attachments, please install and configure the <a href=":href_smtp">SMTP Authentication Support</a> module, the <a href=":href_mailsystem">Mail System</a> and <a href=":href_swiftmailer">SwiftMailer</a> module or the <a href=":href_symfony_mailer">Symfony Mailer</a> module.