The user or author name. Uses an autocomplete widget to find a user name, the actual filter uses the resulting user ID. | |
The user or author name. This filter does not check if the user exists and allows partial matching. Does not use autocomplete. | |
The raw numeric user ID. | |
root | |
The term language code. | |
Parent terms | |
Terms are displayed in ascending order by weight. | |
Relations | |
Save and go to list | |
No custom links available. <a href="@custom_link">Add custom link</a> | |
Add custom link | |
Select the type of default meta tags you would like to add. | |
Enter notes about this submission. These notes are only visible to submission administrators. | |
Administrative notes | |
If checked, this submissions will be starred when reviewing results. | |
Star/flag the status of this submission | |
If checked, users will not be able to update this submission. | |
Lock this submission | |
Duplicate @title | |
Deleting a @entity-type will cause any output still requesting to use that @entity-type to use the default display settings. | |
The configuration objects have different language codes so they cannot be translated: | |
@name: @langcode | |
Source string (Built-in English) %label is used by 1 custom block on your site. You can not remove this block type until you have removed all of the %label blocks.
%label is used by @count custom blocks on your site. You may not remove %label until you have removed all of the %label custom blocks. | Translated string (TR) |
Delete %label | |
Expand layout to include descriptions. | |
Show descriptions | |
comment types | |
Here is your configuration: | |
Single export | |
Add webform access type | |