Source string (Built-in English) The ID of the entity that is related to the file.
Source string (Built-in English) The type of entity that is related to the file.
Source string (Built-in English) The module managing this file relationship.
Source string (Built-in English) The number of times the file is used by this entity.
Source string (Built-in English) Randomize the display order.
Source string (Built-in English) The score of the search item. This will not be used if the search filter is not also present.
Source string (Built-in English) The date the content related to a term was posted.
Source string (Built-in English) Whether or not the content related to a term is sticky. To list sticky content first, set this to descending.
Source string (Built-in English) Add and configure @types
Source string (Built-in English) This sort is not exposed. Expose it to allow the users to change it.
Source string (Built-in English) Expose this sort to visitors, to allow them to change it
Source string (Built-in English) Expose sort
Source string (Built-in English) Second
Source string (Built-in English) Minute
Source string (Built-in English) Hour
Source string (Built-in English) Day
Source string (Built-in English) Month
Source string (Built-in English) Year
Source string (Built-in English) Granularity
Source string (Built-in English) The granularity is the smallest unit to use when determining whether two dates are the same; for example, if the granularity is "Year" then all dates in 1999, regardless of when they fall in 1999, will be considered the same date.
Source string (Built-in English) sort criterion
Source string (Built-in English) desc
Source string (Built-in English) Remove @title
Source string (Built-in English) Show media item weights
Source string (Built-in English) Error generating image.
Source string (Built-in English) Hide media item weights
Source string (Built-in English) Page @items.current
Source string (Built-in English) Test
Source string (Built-in English) Results
Source string (Built-in English) Build