Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for EN
International Telephone Input is used by the Telephone element.
jQuery: RateIt
RateIt is used to provide a customizable rating element.
jQuery: Select2
Select2 is used to improve the user experience for select menus. Select2 is the recommended select menu enhancement library.
jQuery: Text Counter
Word or character counting, with server-side validation, is available for text fields and text areas.
jQuery: Timepicker
Timepicker is used to provide a polyfill for HTML 5 time elements.
Progress Tracker
Progress Tracker is used by multi-step wizard forms.
Signature Pad
Signature Pad is used to provide a signature element.
Tabby is used to display tabs in the administrative UI
Tippy.js (6.x)
Tippy.js is used to provide a tooltips. Tippy.js 6.x is compatible with Drupal 9.x.
<a href=":href">Disable CDN warning</a>
Prevent forms from being submitted without JavaScript enabled.
Provides CAPTCHA for adding challenges to arbitrary forms.
Mitigates spam form submissions using the honeypot method.
Provides a webform handler which will mark submissions as SPAM
Antispam service from CleanTalk to protect your site.
Human Presence Form Protection
Human Presence is a fraud prevention and form protection service that uses multiple overlapping strategies to fight form spam.