Filter translatable strings
Source stringTranslation for EN
Enter custom HTML into your webform.
Content types allowed in book outlines
Users with the %outline-perm permission can add all content types.
Content type for the <em>Add child page</em> link
Static cache cleared.
Render cache cleared.
Twig cache cleared.
The return value is what is submitted to the server and stored in the database when the element is checked. The default value and recommended return value is a TRUE boolean value.
<strong>The return value should only be customized when an external system or service expects a custom string value. (i.e. yes, checked, accepted, etc…)</strong>
Return value
Return/default value
Exclude unselected checkbox
Range settings
Above (Floating)
Below (Floating)
Output the range's value
Text or code that is placed directly in front of the output. This can be used to prefix an output with a constant string. Examples=> $, #, -.
Output prefix
Text or code that is placed directly after the output. This can be used to add a unit to an output. Examples=> lb, kg, %.
Output suffix
Range output settings
The value of the webform element.
Email confirm title
Email confirm description
Email confirm placeholder
Email confirm settings
Unique ID used to store the message's closed state. Please enter only lower-case letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.
None -- Message state is never stored.
Session storage -- Message state is reset after the browser is closed.