Select how the uploaded file previewed. | |
Allowing anonymous users to preview files is dangerous. | |
File upload button | |
Select where the final files should be stored. Private file storage has more overhead than public files, but allows restricted access to files within this element. | |
File upload destination | |
Private file system is not set. This must be changed in <a href="">settings.php</a>. For more information see: <a href="">DRUPAL-PSA-2016-003</a> | |
Determines the placement of the file upload help . | |
File upload help display | |
File upload placeholder | |
The placeholder will be shown before a file is uploaded. | |
File upload preview (Authenticated users only) | |
Enter the max file size a user may upload. | |
MB (Max: @filesize MB) | |
Rename uploaded files to this tokenized pattern. Do not include the extension here. The actual file extension will be automatically appended to this pattern. | |
Rename files | |
File names combined with their full URI can not exceed 255 characters. File names that exceed this limit will be truncated. | |
File name pattern | |
If checked, file name will be transliterated, lower-cased and all special characters converted to dashes (-). | |
Sanitize file name | |
For security reasons we advise to use %file_rename together with the %sanitization option. | |
If checked the file upload input will be replaced with click-able label styled as button. | |
Replace file upload input with an upload button | |
Choose file | |
File upload button title | |
Apply classes to the button. Button classes default to 'button button-primary'. | |
in In Context: Sort by {sort} in {direction} order | |
order In Context: Sort by {sort} in {direction} order | |
Ascending (ASC) | |
Descending (DESC) | |
Results per page | |