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Source stringTranslation for EN
Date and time
Sunday: Sunday Monday: Monday Tuesday: Tuesday Wednesday: Wednesday Thursday: Thursday Friday: Friday Saturday: Saturday
High School: High School Associate Degree: Associate Degree Graduate or Professional Degree: Graduate or Professional Degree Some College: Some College
Employment status
'Full Time': 'Full Time' 'Part Time': 'Part Time' 'Military': 'Military' Unemployed: Unemployed Retired: Retired
Caucasian: Caucasian 'Latino/Hispanic': 'Latino/Hispanic' 'Middle Eastern': 'Middle Eastern' African: African Caribbean: Caribbean 'South Asian': 'South Asian' 'East Asian': 'East Asian' Mixed: Mixed
Man: Man Woman: Woman Non-binary: Non-binary Agender/Genderless: Agender/Genderless Androgyne/Androgynous: Androgyne/Androgynous Aporagender: Aporagender Bigender: Bigender Demi-agender: Demi-agender Demi-boy: Demi-boy Demi-fluid: Demi-fluid Demi-girl: Demi-girl Demi-gender: Demi-gender Demi-non-binary: Demi-non-binary Genderqueer: Genderqueer Genderflux: Genderflux Genderfluid: Genderfluid Gender-indifferent: Gender-indifferent Gender-neutral: Gender-neutral Graygender: Graygender Intergender: Intergender Maverique: Maverique Maxigender: Maxigender Multigender/Polygender: Multigender/Polygender Neutrois: Neutrois Pangender/Omnigender: Pangender/Omnigender Trigender: Trigender Two-spirit: Two-spirit 'Prefer Not to Answer': 'Prefer Not to Answer'
Accounting/Finance: Accounting/Finance Advertising/Public Relations: Advertising/Public Relations Aerospace/Aviation: Aerospace/Aviation Arts/Entertainment/Publishing: Arts/Entertainment/Publishing Automotive: Automotive Banking/Mortgage: Banking/Mortgage Business Development: Business Development Business Opportunity: Business Opportunity Clerical/Administrative: Clerical/Administrative Construction/Facilities: Construction/Facilities Consumer Goods: Consumer Goods Customer Service: Customer Service Education/Training: Education/Training Energy/Utilities: Energy/Utilities Engineering: Engineering Government/Military: Government/Military Healthcare: Healthcare Hospitality/Travel: Hospitality/Travel Human Resources: Human Resources Installation/Maintenance: Installation/Maintenance Insurance: Insurance Internet: Internet Law Enforcement/Security: Law Enforcement/Security Legal: Legal Management/Executive: Management/Executive Manufacturing/Operations: Manufacturing/Operations Marketing: Marketing Non-Profit/Volunteer: Non-Profit/Volunteer Pharmaceutical/Biotech: Pharmaceutical/Biotech Professional Services: Professional Services Real Estate: Real Estate Restaurant/Food Service: Restaurant/Food Service Retail: Retail Sales: Sales Science/Research: Science/Research Skilled Labor: Skilled Labor Technology: Technology Telecommunications: Telecommunications Transportation/Logistics: Transportation/Logistics
Likert: Agreement
1: 'Much Worse' 2: 'Somewhat Worse' 3: 'About the Same' 4: 'Somewhat Better' 5: 'Much Better'
Likert: Comparison
1: Strongly Disagree 2: Disagree 3: Neutral 4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree
Likert: Importance
1: Not at all Important 2: Somewhat Important 3: Neutral 4: Important 5: Very Important
Likert: Quality
1: Poor 2: Fair 3: Good 4: Very good 5: Excellent
Likert: Satisfaction
1: Very Unsatisfied 2: Unsatisfied 3: Neutral 4: Satisfied 5: Very Satisfied
Likert: Ten Scale
1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 4: 4 5: 5 6: 6 7: 7 8: 8 9: 9 10: 10
Likert: Would You
1: Definitely Not 2: Probably Not 3: Not Sure 4: Probably 5: Definitely
Marital status